Interface InMemoryRepresentable

All Known Subinterfaces:
ASN1ApplicationSpecificParser, ASN1OctetStringParser, ASN1SequenceParser, ASN1SetParser, ASN1TaggedObjectParser
All Known Implementing Classes:
ASN1OctetString, ASN1TaggedObject, BERApplicationSpecificParser, BEROctetString, BEROctetStringParser, BERSequenceParser, BERSetParser, BERTaggedObject, BERTaggedObjectParser, DERExternalParser, DEROctetString, DEROctetStringParser, DERSequenceParser, DERSetParser, DERTaggedObject, DLSequenceParser, DLSetParser, DLTaggedObject

public interface InMemoryRepresentable
Interface implemented by objects that can be converted from streaming to in-memory objects.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Get the in-memory representation of the ASN.1 object.
  • Method Details

    • getLoadedObject

      ASN1Primitive getLoadedObject() throws IOException
      Get the in-memory representation of the ASN.1 object.
      an ASN1Primitive representing the loaded object.
      IOException - for bad input data.