Package org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509
package org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509
Support classes useful for encoding and processing X.509 certificates.
ClassDescriptionThe AccessDescription object.X.509 Section 9.8.3.X.509 Section 9.8.4.The AuthorityInformationAccess object.The AuthorityKeyIdentifier X509Certificate structure.PKIX RFC-2459 The X.509 v2 CRL syntax is as follows.This class helps to support crossCerfificatePairs in a LDAP directory according RFC 2587CertPolicyId, used in the CertificatePolicies and PolicyMappings X509V3 Extensions.The CRLNumber object.The CRLReason enumeration.The DigestInfo object.
class, used inCertificatePolicies
X509 V3 extensions (in policy qualifiers).The DistributionPoint object.The DistributionPointName object.The extendedKeyUsage object for the elements in the X.509 V3 extension block.Extensions ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF Extension Extension ::= SEQUENCE { extnId EXTENSION.&id ({ExtensionSet}), critical BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, extnValue OCTET STRING }Generator for X.509 extensionsThe GeneralName object.Class for containing a restriction object subtrees in NameConstraints.The Holder object.Implementation ofIetfAttrSyntax
as specified by RFC3281.IssuingDistributionPoint ::= SEQUENCE { distributionPoint [0] DistributionPointName OPTIONAL, onlyContainsUserCerts [1] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, onlyContainsCACerts [2] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, onlySomeReasons [3] ReasonFlags OPTIONAL, indirectCRL [4] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, onlyContainsAttributeCerts [5] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE }The KeyPurposeId object.The KeyUsage object.NoticeReference
class, used inCertificatePolicies
X509 V3 extensions (in policy qualifiers).ObjectDigestInfo ASN.1 structure used in v2 attribute certificates.The OtherName object.PKIX RFC 5280PolicyMappings V3 extension, described in RFC3280.PolicyQualifierId, used in the CertificatePolicies X509V3 extension.Policy qualifiers, used in the X509V3 CertificatePolicies extension.PrivateKeyUsagePeriod ::= SEQUENCE { notBefore [0] GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL, notAfter [1] GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL }The ReasonFlags object.Implementation of the RoleSyntax object as specified by the RFC3281.X.509 Section 9.8.2.This extension may contain further X.500 attributes of the subject.The SubjectKeyIdentifier object.The object that contains the public key stored in a certificate.Target structure used in target information extension for attribute certificates from RFC 3281.Target information extension for attributes certificates according to RFC 3281.Targets structure used in target information extension for attribute certificates from RFC 3281.The TBSCertificate object.PKIX RFC-2459 - TBSCertList object.UserNotice
class, used inCertificatePolicies
X509 extensions (in policy qualifiers).Generator for Version 1 TBSCertificateStructures.Generator for Version 2 AttributeCertificateInfoGenerator for Version 2 TBSCertList structures.Generator for Version 3 TBSCertificateStructures.