Package org.bouncycastle.asn1.x9

package org.bouncycastle.asn1.x9
Support classes useful for encoding and supporting X9.62 elliptic curve.
  • Class
    X9.42 definition of a DHPublicKey
    X9.44 Diffie-Hellman domain parameters.
    A general class that reads all X9.62 style EC curve tables.
    ASN.1 def for Diffie-Hellman key exchange KeySpecificInfo structure.
    ASN.1 def for Diffie-Hellman key exchange OtherInfo structure.
    Diffie-Hellman domain validation parameters.
    Table of the current named curves defined in X.962 EC-DSA.
    The Parameters ASN.1 CHOICE from X9.62.
    ASN.1 def for Elliptic-Curve Curve structure.
    ASN.1 def for Elliptic-Curve ECParameters structure.
    A holding class that allows for X9ECParameters to be lazily constructed.
    Class for describing an ECPoint as a DER object.
    Class for processing an FieldElement as a DER object.
    ASN.1 def for Elliptic-Curve Field ID structure.
    A class which converts integers to byte arrays, allowing padding and calculations to be done according the the filed size of the curve or field element involved.
    Object identifiers for the various X9 standards.