Class RC2


public final class RC2 extends Object
Source class for implementations of RC2 based algorithms.
  • Field Details


      public static final GeneralAlgorithm ALGORITHM
      Raw RC2 algorithm, can be used for creating general purpose RC2 keys.
    • ECB

      public static final RC2.Parameters ECB
      RC2 in electronic code book (ECB) mode.
    • ECBwithPKCS7

      public static final RC2.Parameters ECBwithPKCS7
      RC2 in electronic code book mode with PKCS#7/PKCS#5 padding.
    • ECBwithISO10126_2

      public static final RC2.Parameters ECBwithISO10126_2
      RC2 in electronic code book mode with ISO10126-2 padding.
    • ECBwithX923

      public static final RC2.Parameters ECBwithX923
      RC2 in electronic code book mode with X9.23 padding.
    • ECBwithISO7816_4

      public static final RC2.Parameters ECBwithISO7816_4
      RC2 in electronic code book mode with ISO7816-4 padding.
    • ECBwithTBC

      public static final RC2.Parameters ECBwithTBC
      RC2 in electronic code book mode with trailing bit complement (TBC) padding.
    • CBC

      public static final RC2.Parameters CBC
      RC2 in cipher block chaining (CBC) mode.
    • CBCwithPKCS7

      public static final RC2.Parameters CBCwithPKCS7
      RC2 in cipher block chaining mode with PKCS#7/PKCS#5 padding.
    • CBCwithISO10126_2

      public static final RC2.Parameters CBCwithISO10126_2
      RC2 in cipher block chaining mode with ISO10126-2 padding.
    • CBCwithX923

      public static final RC2.Parameters CBCwithX923
      RC2 in cipher block chaining mode with X9.23 padding.
    • CBCwithISO7816_4

      public static final RC2.Parameters CBCwithISO7816_4
      RC2 in cipher block chaining mode with ISO7816-4 padding.
    • CBCwithTBC

      public static final RC2.Parameters CBCwithTBC
      RC2 in cipher block chaining mode with trailing bit complement (TBC) padding.
    • CBCwithCS1

      public static final RC2.Parameters CBCwithCS1
      RC2 in cipher block chaining mode cipher text stealing type 1.
    • CBCwithCS2

      public static final RC2.Parameters CBCwithCS2
      RC2 in cipher block chaining mode cipher text stealing type 2.
    • CBCwithCS3

      public static final RC2.Parameters CBCwithCS3
      RC2 in cipher block chaining mode cipher text stealing type 3.
    • CFB8

      public static final RC2.Parameters CFB8
      RC2 in cipher feedback (CFB) mode, 8 bit block size.
    • CFB64

      public static final RC2.Parameters CFB64
      RC2 in cipher feedback (CFB) mode, 64 bit block size.
    • OFB

      public static final RC2.Parameters OFB
      RC2 in output feedback (OFB) mode, 64 bit block size.
    • CTR

      public static final RC2.Parameters CTR
      RC2 in counter (CTR) mode.
    • EAX

      public static final RC2.AuthParameters EAX
      RC2 in EAX mode.
    • CBC_MAC

      public static final RC2.AuthParameters CBC_MAC
      RC2 cipher-based CBC MAC algorithm.
    • CFB8_MAC

      public static final RC2.AuthParameters CFB8_MAC
      RC2 CFB8MAC.
    • CMAC

      public static final RC2.AuthParameters CMAC
      RC2 cipher-based MAC algorithm.
    • RFC3217_WRAP

      public static final RC2.Parameters RFC3217_WRAP
      RC2 RFC 3217 key wrapper.