Package org.bouncycastle.util.encoders

package org.bouncycastle.util.encoders
Classes for producing a range of common binary encodings such as Hex and Base64.
  • Class
    Utility class for converting Base32 data to bytes and back again.
    A streaming Base32 encoder.
    Utility class for converting Base64 data to bytes and back again.
    A streaming Base64 encoder.
    A buffering class to allow translation from one format to another to be done in discrete chunks.
    A buffering class to allow translation from one format to another to be done in discrete chunks.
    Exception thrown if an attempt is made to decode invalid data, or some other failure occurs.
    Encode and decode byte arrays (typically from binary to 7-bit ASCII encodings).
    Exception thrown if an attempt is made to encode invalid data, or some other failure occurs.
    Utility class for converting hex data to bytes and back again.
    A streaming Hex encoder.
    Converters for going from hex to binary and back.
    General interface for a translator.
    Convert binary data to and from UrlBase64 encoding.
    Convert binary data to and from UrlBase64 encoding.
    Utilities for working with UTF-8 encodings.