Class TestRandomBigInteger

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, RandomGenerator

public class TestRandomBigInteger extends FixedSecureRandom
A fixed secure random designed to return data for someone needing to create a single BigInteger.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TestRandomBigInteger

      public TestRandomBigInteger(String encoding)
      Constructor from a base 10 represention of a BigInteger.
      encoding - a base 10 represention of a BigInteger.
    • TestRandomBigInteger

      public TestRandomBigInteger(String encoding, int radix)
      Constructor from a base radix represention of a BigInteger.
      encoding - a String BigInteger of base radix.
      radix - the radix to use.
    • TestRandomBigInteger

      public TestRandomBigInteger(byte[] encoding)
      Constructor based on a byte array.
      encoding - a 2's complement representation of the BigInteger.
    • TestRandomBigInteger

      public TestRandomBigInteger(int bitLength, byte[] encoding)
      Constructor which ensures encoding will produce a BigInteger from a request from the passed in bitLength.
      bitLength - bit length for the BigInteger data request.
      encoding - bytes making up the encoding.