Class HttpAuth

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class HttpAuth extends Object implements ESTAuth
Provides stock implementations for basic auth and digest auth.
  • Constructor Details

    • HttpAuth

      public HttpAuth(String username, char[] password)
      Base constructor for basic auth.
      username - user id.
      password - user's password.
    • HttpAuth

      public HttpAuth(String realm, String username, char[] password)
      Constructor for basic auth with a specified realm.
      realm - expected server realm.
      username - user id.
      password - user's password.
    • HttpAuth

      public HttpAuth(String username, char[] password, SecureRandom nonceGenerator, DigestCalculatorProvider digestCalculatorProvider)
      Base constructor for digest auth. The realm will be set by
      username - user id.
      password - user's password.
      nonceGenerator - random source for generating nonces.
      digestCalculatorProvider - provider for digest calculators needed for calculating hashes.
    • HttpAuth

      public HttpAuth(String realm, String username, char[] password, SecureRandom nonceGenerator, DigestCalculatorProvider digestCalculatorProvider)
      Constructor for digest auth with a specified realm.
      realm - expected server realm.
      username - user id.
      password - user's password.
      nonceGenerator - random source for generating nonces.
      digestCalculatorProvider - provider for digest calculators needed for calculating hashes.
  • Method Details

    • applyAuth

      public void applyAuth(ESTRequestBuilder reqBldr)
      Description copied from interface: ESTAuth
      Add the Auth attributes to the passed in request builder.
      Specified by:
      applyAuth in interface ESTAuth
      reqBldr - the builder for the request needing the Auth attributes.