Class X509RevocationChecker

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, CertPathChecker

public class X509RevocationChecker extends PKIXCertPathChecker
X.509 Certificate Revocation Checker - still lacks OCSP support and support for delta CRLs.
  • Field Details


      public static final int PKIX_VALIDITY_MODEL
      This is the default PKIX validity model. Actually there are two variants of this: The PKIX model and the modified PKIX model. The PKIX model verifies that all involved certificates must have been valid at the current time. The modified PKIX model verifies that all involved certificates were valid at the time of signing. Both are indirectly chosen with the PKIXParameters.setDate(Date) method, so this methods sets the Date when all certificates must have been valid.
      See Also:

      public static final int CHAIN_VALIDITY_MODEL
      This model uses the following validity model. Each certificate must have been valid at the moment where is was used. That means the end certificate must have been valid at the time the signature was done. The CA certificate which signed the end certificate must have been valid, when the end certificate was signed. The CA (or Root CA) certificate must have been valid, when the CA certificate was signed and so on. So the PKIXParameters.setDate(Date) method sets the time, when the end certificate must have been valid. It is used e.g. in the German signature law.
      See Also:
    • crlReasons

      protected static final String[] crlReasons
  • Method Details