Class LocalizedMessage

Direct Known Subclasses:
LocaleString, TextBundle

public class LocalizedMessage extends Object
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • LocalizedMessage

      public LocalizedMessage(String resource, String id) throws NullPointerException
      Constructs a new LocalizedMessage using resource as the base name for the RessourceBundle and id as the message bundle id the resource file.
      resource - base name of the resource file
      id - the id of the corresponding bundle in the resource file
      NullPointerException - if resource or id is null
    • LocalizedMessage

      public LocalizedMessage(String resource, String id, String encoding) throws NullPointerException, UnsupportedEncodingException
      Constructs a new LocalizedMessage using resource as the base name for the RessourceBundle and id as the message bundle id the resource file.
      resource - base name of the resource file
      id - the id of the corresponding bundle in the resource file
      encoding - the encoding of the resource file
      NullPointerException - if resource or id is null
      UnsupportedEncodingException - if the encoding is not supported
    • LocalizedMessage

      public LocalizedMessage(String resource, String id, Object[] arguments) throws NullPointerException
      Constructs a new LocalizedMessage using resource as the base name for the RessourceBundle and id as the message bundle id the resource file.
      resource - base name of the resource file
      id - the id of the corresponding bundle in the resource file
      arguments - an array containing the arguments for the message
      NullPointerException - if resource or id is null
    • LocalizedMessage

      public LocalizedMessage(String resource, String id, String encoding, Object[] arguments) throws NullPointerException, UnsupportedEncodingException
      Constructs a new LocalizedMessage using resource as the base name for the RessourceBundle and id as the message bundle id the resource file.
      resource - base name of the resource file
      id - the id of the corresponding bundle in the resource file
      encoding - the encoding of the resource file
      arguments - an array containing the arguments for the message
      NullPointerException - if resource or id is null
      UnsupportedEncodingException - if the encoding is not supported
  • Method Details

    • getEntry

      public String getEntry(String key, Locale loc, TimeZone timezone) throws MissingEntryException
      Reads the entry id + "." + key from the resource file and returns a formated message for the given Locale and TimeZone.
      key - second part of the entry id
      loc - the used Locale
      timezone - the used TimeZone
      a Strng containing the localized message
      MissingEntryException - if the resource file is not available or the entry does not exist.
    • formatWithTimeZone

      protected String formatWithTimeZone(String template, Object[] arguments, Locale locale, TimeZone timezone)
    • addExtraArgs

      protected String addExtraArgs(String msg, Locale locale)
    • setFilter

      public void setFilter(Filter filter)
      Sets the Filter that is used to filter the arguments of this message
      filter - the Filter to use. null to disable filtering.
    • getFilter

      public Filter getFilter()
      Returns the current filter.
      the current filter
    • setClassLoader

      public void setClassLoader(ClassLoader loader)
      Set the ClassLoader which loads the resource files. If it is set to null then the default ClassLoader is used.
      loader - the ClassLoader which loads the resource files
    • getClassLoader

      public ClassLoader getClassLoader()
      Returns the ClassLoader which loads the resource files or null if the default ClassLoader is used.
      the ClassLoader which loads the resource files
    • getId

      public String getId()
      Returns the id of the message in the resource bundle.
      the id of the message
    • getResource

      public String getResource()
      Returns the name of the resource bundle for this message
      name of the resource file
    • getArguments

      public Object[] getArguments()
      Returns an Object[] containing the message arguments.
      the message arguments
    • setExtraArgument

      public void setExtraArgument(Object extraArg)
      extraArg -
    • setExtraArguments

      public void setExtraArguments(Object[] extraArgs)
      extraArgs -
    • getExtraArgs

      public Object[] getExtraArgs()
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object