Class DERTaggedObject

All Implemented Interfaces:
ASN1Encodable, ASN1TaggedObjectParser, InMemoryRepresentable, Encodable

public class DERTaggedObject extends ASN1TaggedObject
DER TaggedObject - in ASN.1 notation this is any object preceded by a [n] where n is some number - these are assumed to follow the construction rules (as with sequences).
  • Constructor Details

    • DERTaggedObject

      public DERTaggedObject(int tagNo, ASN1Encodable encodable)
    • DERTaggedObject

      public DERTaggedObject(int tagClass, int tagNo, ASN1Encodable obj)
    • DERTaggedObject

      public DERTaggedObject(boolean explicit, int tagNo, ASN1Encodable obj)
      explicit - true if an explicitly tagged object.
      tagNo - the tag number for this object.
      obj - the tagged object.
    • DERTaggedObject

      public DERTaggedObject(boolean explicit, int tagClass, int tagNo, ASN1Encodable obj)