Interface BasicAgreement

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
DHBasicAgreement, ECDHBasicAgreement, ECDHCBasicAgreement, ECDHCStagedAgreement, ECMQVBasicAgreement, MQVBasicAgreement, XDHBasicAgreement

public interface BasicAgreement
The basic interface that basic Diffie-Hellman implementations conforms to.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    given a public key from a given party calculate the next message in the agreement sequence.
    return the field size for the agreement algorithm in bytes.
    initialise the agreement engine.
  • Method Details

    • init

      void init(CipherParameters param)
      initialise the agreement engine.
    • getFieldSize

      int getFieldSize()
      return the field size for the agreement algorithm in bytes.
    • calculateAgreement

      BigInteger calculateAgreement(CipherParameters pubKey)
      given a public key from a given party calculate the next message in the agreement sequence.