Package org.bouncycastle.crypto.params
package org.bouncycastle.crypto.params
ClassDescriptionBlake3 Parameters.Deprecated.use AEADParametersParameters holder for private unified static/ephemeral agreement as described in NIST SP 800-56A.Parameters holder for static/ephemeral agreement as described in NIST SP 800-56A.Parameters holder for private unified static/ephemeral agreement as described in NIST SP 800-56A.Parameters holder for public unified static/ephemeral agreement as described in NIST SP 800-56A using EC DH/CDH.Parameter class for the HKDFBytesGenerator class.parameters for using an integrated cipher in stream mode.parameters for Key derivation functions for ISO-18033This KDF has been defined by the publicly available NIST SP 800-108 specification.Note that counter is only supported at the location presented in the NIST SP 800-108 specification, not in the additional locations present in the CAVP test vectors.Note that counter is only supported at the location presented in the NIST SP 800-108 specification, not in the additional locations present in the CAVP test vectors.parameters for Key derivation functions for IEEE P1363aparameters for mask derivation functions.Parameters for NaccacheStern public private key generation.Public key parameters for NaccacheStern cipher.Private key parameters for NaccacheStern cipher.Cipher parameters with a fixed salt value associated with them.Parameters for the Skein hash function - a series of byte[] strings identified by integer tags.A builder for
.Private parameters for an SM2 key exchange.Public parameters for an SM2 key exchange.Parameters for tweakable block ciphers.Parameters holder for private unified static/ephemeral agreement using Edwards Curves.Parameters holder for public unified static/ephemeral agreement using Edwards Curves.