Package org.bouncycastle.pqc.jcajce.provider.mceliece
package org.bouncycastle.pqc.jcajce.provider.mceliece
ClassesClassDescriptionThis class implements a McEliece CCA2 private key and is usually instantiated by the
.This class implements a McEliece CCA2 public key and is usually instantiated by theMcElieceCCA2KeyPairGenerator
.This class implements a McEliece private key and is usually instantiated by theMcElieceKeyPairGenerator
.This class implements a McEliece public key and is usually instantiated by theMcElieceKeyPairGenerator
.This class is used to translate between McEliece CCA2 keys and key specifications.utility class for converting jce/jca McElieceCCA2 objects objects into their org.bouncycastle.crypto counterparts.Core operations for the CCA-secure variants of McEliece.This class is used to translate between McEliece keys and key specifications.utility class for converting jce/jca McEliece objects objects into their org.bouncycastle.crypto counterparts.