Package org.bouncycastle.pqc.legacy.math.linearalgebra
package org.bouncycastle.pqc.legacy.math.linearalgebra
ClassDescriptionThis is a utility class containing data type conversions using big-endian byte order.FIXME: is this really necessary?!Deprecated.use org.bouncycastle.util.Arrays.This class describes some operations with matrices over finite field GF(2) and is used in ecc and MQ-PKC (also has some specific methods and implementation)This class describes operations with elements from the finite field F = GF(2^m).This class describes some operations with matrices over finite field GF(2m) with small m (1< m <32).This class implements vectors over the finite field GF(2m) for small m (i.e., 1<m<32).This abstract class implements an element of the finite field GF(2)n in either optimal normal basis representation (ONB) or in polynomial representation.This abstract class defines the finite field GF(2n).This class implements an element of the finite field GF(2n ).This class implements the abstract class GF2nField for ONB representation.This class implements polynomials over GF2nElements.This class implements elements of finite binary fields GF(2n) using polynomial representation.This class implements the abstract class GF2nField for polynomial representation.This class stores very long strings of bits and does some basic arithmetics.This class implements the abstract class Vector for the case of vectors over the finite field GF(2).This interface defines a finite field element.This class describes decoding operations of an irreducible binary Goppa code.This class is a container for two instances of
and one instance ofPermutation
.This class is a container for an instance ofGF2Matrix
and one int[].Class of number-theory related functions for use with integers represented as int's or BigInteger objects.This is a utility class containing data type conversions using little-endian byte order.This abstract class defines matrices.This class implements permutations of the set {0,1,...,n-1} for some given n > 0, i.e., ordered sequences containing each number m (0 <= m < n) once and only once.This class describes operations with polynomials from the ring R = GF(2^m)[X], where 2 <= m <=31.This class describes operations with polynomials over finite field GF(2), i e polynomial ring R = GF(2)[X].This class represents polynomial rings GF(2^m)[X]/p(X) for m<32.This abstract class defines vectors.