Package org.bouncycastle.pqc.legacy.math.ntru.polynomial

package org.bouncycastle.pqc.legacy.math.ntru.polynomial
  • Class
    A polynomial with BigDecimal coefficients.
    A polynomial with BigInteger coefficients.
    Some methods (like add) change the polynomial, others (like mult) do not but return the result as a new polynomial.
    A TernaryPolynomial with a "high" number of nonzero coefficients.
    A polynomial with int coefficients.
    Some methods (like add) change the polynomial, others (like mult) do not but return the result as a new polynomial.
    A polynomial class that combines two coefficients into one long value for faster multiplication in 64 bit environments.
    Coefficients can be between 0 and 2047 and are stored in pairs in the bits 0..10 and 24..34 of a long number.
    A polynomial class that combines five coefficients into one long value for faster multiplication by a ternary polynomial.
    Coefficients can be between 0 and 2047 and are stored in bits 0..11, 12..23, ..., 48..59 of a long number.
    A resultant modulo a BigInteger
    A polynomial of the form f1*f2+f3, where f1,f2,f3 are very sparsely populated ternary polynomials.
    Contains a resultant and a polynomial rho such that res = rho*this + t*(x^n-1) for some integer t.
    A TernaryPolynomial with a "low" number of nonzero coefficients.
    A polynomial whose coefficients are all equal to -1, 0, or 1