Interface TlsContext

All Known Subinterfaces:
TlsClientContext, TlsServerContext

public interface TlsContext
Base interface for a TLS context implementation.
  • Method Details

    • getCrypto

      TlsCrypto getCrypto()
    • getNonceGenerator

      TlsNonceGenerator getNonceGenerator()
    • getSecurityParameters

      SecurityParameters getSecurityParameters()
    • getSecurityParametersConnection

      SecurityParameters getSecurityParametersConnection()
    • getSecurityParametersHandshake

      SecurityParameters getSecurityParametersHandshake()
    • isServer

      boolean isServer()
      Return true if this context is for a server, false otherwise.
      true for a server based context, false for a client based one.
    • getClientSupportedVersions

      ProtocolVersion[] getClientSupportedVersions()
    • getClientVersion

      ProtocolVersion getClientVersion()
    • getRSAPreMasterSecretVersion

      ProtocolVersion getRSAPreMasterSecretVersion()
    • getServerVersion

      ProtocolVersion getServerVersion()
    • getResumableSession

      TlsSession getResumableSession()
      Used to get the resumable session, if any, used by this connection. Only available after the handshake has successfully completed.
      A TlsSession representing the resumable session used by this connection, or null if no resumable session available.
      See Also:
    • getSession

      TlsSession getSession()
      Used to get the session information for this connection. Only available after the handshake has successfully completed. Use TlsSession.isResumable() to find out if the session is resumable.
      A TlsSession representing the session used by this connection.
      See Also:
    • getUserObject

      Object getUserObject()
    • setUserObject

      void setUserObject(Object userObject)
    • exportChannelBinding

      byte[] exportChannelBinding(int channelBinding)
      Export the value of the specified channel binding. Only available after the handshake has successfully completed.
      channelBinding - A ChannelBinding constant specifying the channel binding to export.
      A copy of the channel binding data as a
      invalid reference
      , or null if the binding could not be determined.
    • exportEarlyKeyingMaterial

      byte[] exportEarlyKeyingMaterial(String asciiLabel, byte[] context_value, int length)
      Export (early data) keying material according to RFC 5705: "Keying Material Exporters for TLS", as updated for TLS 1.3 (RFC 8446). NOTE: for use in settings where an exporter is needed for 0-RTT data.
      asciiLabel - indicates which application will use the exported keys.
      context_value - allows the application using the exporter to mix its own data with the TLS PRF for the exporter output.
      length - the number of bytes to generate.
      a pseudorandom bit string of 'length' bytes generated from the (exporter_)master_secret.
    • exportKeyingMaterial

      byte[] exportKeyingMaterial(String asciiLabel, byte[] context_value, int length)
      Export keying material according to RFC 5705: "Keying Material Exporters for TLS", as updated for TLS 1.3 (RFC 8446) when negotiated.
      asciiLabel - indicates which application will use the exported keys.
      context_value - allows the application using the exporter to mix its own data with the TLS PRF for the exporter output.
      length - the number of bytes to generate.
      a pseudorandom bit string of 'length' bytes generated from the (exporter_)master_secret.