Package org.bouncycastle.oer.its.ieee1609dot2.basetypes
package org.bouncycastle.oer.its.ieee1609dot2.basetypes
ClassDescriptionBasePublicEncryptionKey ::= CHOICE { eciesNistP256 EccP256CurvePoint, eciesBrainpoolP256r1 EccP256CurvePoint, ...BitmapSspRange ::= SEQUENCE { sspValue OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..32)), sspBitmask OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..32)) }CircularRegion ::= SEQUENCE { center TwoDLocation, radius Uint16 }CountryAndRegions ::= SEQUENCE { countryOnly CountryOnly, regions SequenceOfUint8 }CountryAndSubregions ::= SEQUENCE { country CountryOnly, regionAndSubregions SequenceOfRegionAndSubregions }CrlSeries ::= Uint16Duration ::= CHOICE { microseconds Uint16, milliseconds Uint16, seconds Uint16, minutes Uint16, hours Uint16, sixtyHours Uint16, years Uint16 }Common interface for ITS curve points.EccP256CurvePoint ::= CHOICE { x-only OCTET STRING (SIZE (32)), fill NULL, compressed-y-0 OCTET STRING (SIZE (32)), compressed-y-1 OCTET STRING (SIZE (32)), uncompressedP256 SEQUENCE { x OCTET STRING (SIZE (32)), y OCTET STRING (SIZE (32)) } }EccP384CurvePoint ::= CHOICE { x-only OCTET STRING (SIZE (48)), fill NULL, compressed-y-0 OCTET STRING (SIZE (48)), compressed-y-1 OCTET STRING (SIZE (48)), uncompressedP384 SEQUENCE { x OCTET STRING (SIZE (48)), y OCTET STRING (SIZE (48)) } }EcdsaP256Signature ::= SEQUENCE { rSig EccP256CurvePoint, sSig OCTET STRING (SIZE (32)) }EcdsaP384Signature ::= SEQUENCE { rSig EccP384CurvePoint, sSig OCTET STRING (SIZE (48)) }EciesP256EncryptedKey ::= SEQUENCE { v EccP256CurvePoint, c OCTET STRING (SIZE (16)), t OCTET STRING (SIZE (16)) }Elevation ::= Uint16EncryptionKey ::= CHOICE { public PublicEncryptionKey, symmetric SymmetricEncryptionKey }GeographicRegion ::= CHOICE { circularRegion CircularRegion, rectangularRegion SequenceOfRectangularRegion, polygonalRegion PolygonalRegion, identifiedRegion SequenceOfIdentifiedRegion, ...GroupLinkageValue ::= SEQUENCE { jValue OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)) value OCTET STRING (SIZE(9)) }HashAlgorithm ::= ENUMERATED { sha256, ..., sha384 }Hostname ::= UTF8String (SIZE(0..255))IdentifiedRegion ::= CHOICE { countryOnly CountryOnly, countryAndRegions CountryAndRegions, countryAndSubregions CountryAndSubregions, ...IValue ::= Uint16KnownLatitude ::= NinetyDegreeInt (min..max)LaId ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(2))Latitude ::= NinetyDegreeIntLinkageSeed ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(16))LinkageValue ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(9))Latitude ::= OneEightyDegreeInt OneEightyDegreeInt ::= INTEGER { min (-1799999999), max (1800000000), unknown (1800000001) } (-1799999999..1800000001)NinetyDegreeInt ::= INTEGER { min (-900000000), max (900000000), unknown (900000001) }NinetyDegreeInt ::= INTEGER { min (-900000000), max (900000000), unknown (900000001) }SEQUENCE SIZE(3..MAX) OF TwoDLocationPsid ::= INTEGER (0..MAX)PsidSsp ::= SEQUENCE { psid Psid, ssp ServiceSpecificPermissions OPTIONAL }PsidSspRange ::= SEQUENCE { psid Psid, sspRange SspRange OPTIONAL }PublicEncryptionKey ::= SEQUENCE { supportedSymmAlg SymmAlgorithm, publicKey BasePublicEncryptionKey }PublicVerificationKey ::= CHOICE { ecdsaNistP256 EccP256CurvePoint, ecdsaBrainpoolP256r1 EccP256CurvePoint, ..., ecdsaBrainpoolP384r1 EccP384CurvePoint }RectangularRegion ::= SEQUENCE { northWest TwoDLocation, southEast TwoDLocation }RegionAndSubregions ::= SEQUENCE { region Uint8, subregions SequenceOfUint16 }Marker for Geographic Region types.SequenceOfIdentifiedRegion ::= SEQUENCE OF IdentifiedRegionSequenceOfOctetString ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(0..MAX)) OF OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..MAX))SequenceOfPsid ::= SEQUENCE OF PsidSequenceOfPsidSsp ::= SEQUENCE OF PsidSspSequenceOfRectangularRegion ::= SEQUENCE OF RectangularRegionSequenceOfRectangularRegion ::= SEQUENCE OF RectangularRegionSequenceOfUint16 ::= SEQUENCE OF Uint16SequenceOfUint8 ::= SEQUENCE OF Uint8ServiceSpecificPermissions ::= CHOICE { opaque OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..MAX)), ..., bitmapSsp BitmapSsp }Signature ::= CHOICE { ecdsaNistP256Signature EcdsaP256Signature, ecdsaBrainpoolP256r1Signature EcdsaP256Signature, ...SspRange ::= CHOICE { opaque SequenceOfOctetString, all NULL, ...SubjectAssurance ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1))SymmAlgorithm ::= ENUMERATED { aes128Ccm, ...SymmetricEncryptionKey ::= CHOICE { aes128Ccm OCTET STRING(SIZE(16)), ...ThreeDLocation ::= SEQUENCE { latitude Latitude, longitude Longitude, elevation Elevation }Time64 ::= Uint64TwoDLocation ::= SEQUENCE { latitude Latitude, longitude Longitude }Uint64 ::= INTEGER (0..18446744073709551615)UnknownLongitude ::= OneEightyDegreeInt (unknown) The value 1,800,000,001 indicates that the longitude was not available to the sender.ValidityPeriod ::= SEQUENCE { start Time32, duration Duration }