Package org.bouncycastle.jcajce.interfaces
package org.bouncycastle.jcajce.interfaces
Key interfaces for supporting provider specific algorithms.
InterfacesClassDescriptionMain interface for a DSTU-4145 key.Interface that a DSTU-4145 private key needs to conform to.Interface that a DSTU-4145 public key needs to conform to.Interface that a ECGOST-3410 private key needs to conform to.Interface that a ECGOST-3410 public key needs to conform to.Base interface for an EdDSA signing/verification key.GOST3410Key<T extends AlgorithmParameterSpec>Main interface for a GOST keys.Interface that a GOST-3410 private key needs to conform to.Interface that a GOST-3410 public key needs to conform to.Base interface for Leighton-Micali Hash-Based Signatures (LMS) keys.Base interface for an LMS private keyBase interface for XDH agreement keys.