Package org.bouncycastle.jcajce
package org.bouncycastle.jcajce
Key and algorithm parameters classes for supporting provider specific algorithms and modes.
ClassDescriptionCarrier class for an agreement secret key, as well as details about the MAC key if confirmation is provided.LoadStoreParameter to allow configuring of the PBKDF used to generate encryption keys for use in the keystore.A composite private key class.A composite key class.Carrier class for a key pair which validates the consistency of the keys at construction time.Carrier class for a KTS secret key plus its encapsulation, as well as details about the MAC key if provided.A password based key for use with PBKDF1 as defined in PKCS#5.A password based key for use with PBKDF1 as defined in PKCS#5 with full PBE parameters.A password based key for use with PBKDF2 as defined in PKCS#5.A password based key for use with PBKDF2 as defined in PKCS#5 with full PBE parameters.Base interface for keys associated with various password based key derivation functions (PBKDF).A password based key for use with PKCS#12.A password based key for use with PKCS#12 with full PBE parameters.LoadStoreParameter to allow for additional config with PKCS12 files.PKIXCertStore<T extends Certificate>Generic interface for a PKIX based certificate store.PKIXCertStoreSelector<T extends Certificate>This class is a Selector implementation for certificates.Builder for a PKIXCertStoreSelector.PKIXCRLStore<T extends CRL>Generic interface for a PKIX based CRL store.PKIXCRLStoreSelector<T extends CRL>This class is a Selector implementation for X.509 certificate revocation lists.Builder for a PKIXCRLStoreSelector.This class contains extended parameters for PKIX certification path builders.Builder for a PKIXExtendedBuilderParameters object.This class extends the PKIXParameters with a validity model parameter.Builder for a PKIXExtendedParameters object.Interface for SecretKey's that can be explictly zeroized.