Class Summary |
ASN1Absent |
An ASN1 class that encodes to nothing, used in the OER library to deal with the Optional type. |
ASN1BitString |
Base class for BIT STRING objects |
ASN1BMPString |
ASN.1 BMPString object encodes BMP (Basic Multilingual Plane) subset
(aka UCS-2) of UNICODE (ISO 10646) characters in codepoints 0 to 65535. |
ASN1Boolean |
Public facade of ASN.1 Boolean data. |
ASN1EncodableVector |
Mutable class for building ASN.1 constructed objects such as SETs or SEQUENCEs. |
ASN1Enumerated |
Class representing the ASN.1 ENUMERATED type. |
ASN1External |
Class representing the DER-type External |
ASN1GeneralizedTime |
Base class representing the ASN.1 GeneralizedTime type. |
ASN1GeneralString |
ASN.1 GENERAL-STRING data type. |
ASN1Generator |
Basic class for streaming generators. |
ASN1GraphicString |
ASN1IA5String |
ASN.1 IA5String object - this is a ISO 646 (ASCII) string encoding code points 0 to 127. |
ASN1InputStream |
A general purpose ASN.1 decoder - note: this class differs from the
others in that it returns null after it has read the last object in
the stream. |
ASN1Integer |
Class representing the ASN.1 INTEGER type. |
ASN1Null |
A NULL object - use DERNull.INSTANCE for populating structures. |
ASN1NumericString |
NumericString object - this is an ascii string of characters {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, }. |
ASN1Object |
Base class for defining an ASN.1 object. |
ASN1ObjectDescriptor |
ASN1ObjectIdentifier |
Class representing the ASN.1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER type. |
ASN1OctetString |
Abstract base for the ASN.1 OCTET STRING data type
ASN1OutputStream |
Stream that produces output based on the default encoding for the passed in objects. |
ASN1Primitive |
Base class for ASN.1 primitive objects. |
ASN1PrintableString |
ASN.1 PrintableString object. |
ASN1RelativeOID |
ASN1Sequence |
ASN.1 SEQUENCE and SEQUENCE OF constructs. |
ASN1Set |
ASN.1 SET and SET OF constructs. |
ASN1StreamParser |
A parser for ASN.1 streams which also returns, where possible, parsers for the objects it encounters. |
ASN1T61String |
ASN.1 T61String (also the teletex string), try not to use this if you don't need to. |
ASN1TaggedObject |
ASN.1 TaggedObject - in ASN.1 notation this is any object preceded by
a [n] where n is some number - these are assumed to follow the construction
rules (as with sequences). |
ASN1UniversalString |
ASN.1 UniversalString object - encodes UNICODE (ISO 10646) characters using 32-bit format. |
- * UTC time object. |
ASN1UTF8String |
ASN1Util |
ASN1VideotexString |
ASN1VisibleString |
ASN.1 VisibleString object encoding ISO 646 (ASCII) character code points 32 to 126. |
BERBitString |
BERBitStringParser |
Deprecated. Check for 'ASN1BitStringParser' instead |
BERGenerator |
Base class for generators for indefinite-length structures. |
BEROctetString |
ASN.1 OctetStrings, with indefinite length rules, and constructed form support. |
BEROctetStringGenerator |
A generator for indefinite-length OCTET STRINGs |
BEROctetStringParser |
Deprecated. Check for 'ASN1OctetStringParser' instead |
BERSequence |
Indefinite length SEQUENCE of objects. |
BERSequenceGenerator |
A stream generator for DER SEQUENCEs |
BERSequenceParser |
Deprecated. Check for 'ASN1SequenceParser' instead |
BERSet |
Indefinite length SET and SET OF constructs. |
BERSetParser |
Deprecated. Check for 'ASN1SetParser' instead |
BERTaggedObject |
BER TaggedObject - in ASN.1 notation this is any object preceded by
a [n] where n is some number - these are assumed to follow the construction
rules (as with sequences). |
DERBitString |
A BIT STRING with DER encoding - the first byte contains the count of padding bits included in the byte array's last byte. |
DERBMPString |
DER BMPString object encodes BMP (Basic Multilingual Plane) subset
(aka UCS-2) of UNICODE (ISO 10646) characters in codepoints 0 to 65535. |
DERExternal |
Class representing the DER-type External |
DERExternalParser |
Parser DER EXTERNAL tagged objects. |
DERGeneralizedTime |
DER Generalized time object. |
DERGeneralString |
ASN.1 GENERAL-STRING data type. |
DERGenerator |
Basic class for streaming DER encoding generators. |
DERGraphicString |
DERIA5String |
DER IA5String object - this is a ISO 646 (ASCII) string encoding code points 0 to 127. |
DERNull |
An ASN.1 DER NULL object. |
DERNumericString |
DER NumericString object - this is an ascii string of characters {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, }. |
DEROctetString |
Carrier class for a DER encoding OCTET STRING |
DEROctetStringParser |
Deprecated. Check for 'ASN1OctetStringParser' instead |
DERPrintableString |
DER PrintableString object. |
DERSequence |
Definite length SEQUENCE, encoding tells explicit number of bytes
that the content of this sequence occupies. |
DERSequenceGenerator |
A stream generator for DER SEQUENCEs |
DERSet |
A DER encoded SET object
DERT61String |
DER T61String (also the teletex string), try not to use this if you don't need to. |
DERTaggedObject |
DER TaggedObject - in ASN.1 notation this is any object preceded by
a [n] where n is some number - these are assumed to follow the construction
rules (as with sequences). |
DERUniversalString |
DER UniversalString object - encodes UNICODE (ISO 10646) characters using 32-bit format. |
DER UTC time object. |
DERUTF8String |
DER UTF8String object. |
DERVideotexString |
DERVisibleString |
DER VisibleString object encoding ISO 646 (ASCII) character code points 32 to 126. |
DLBitString |
A Definite length BIT STRING |
DLBitStringParser |
Deprecated. Check for 'ASN1BitStringParser' instead |
DLExternal |
Class representing the Definite-Length-type External |
DLSequence |
The DLSequence encodes a SEQUENCE using definite length form. |
DLSequenceParser |
Deprecated. Check for 'ASN1SequenceParser' instead |
DLSet |
The DLSet encodes ASN.1 SET value without element ordering,
and always using definite length form. |
DLSetParser |
Deprecated. Check for 'ASN1SetParser' instead |
DLTaggedObject |
Definite Length TaggedObject - in ASN.1 notation this is any object preceded by
a [n] where n is some number - these are assumed to follow the construction
rules (as with sequences). |
LocaleUtil |
ASN.1 uses an EN locale for its internal formatting. |
OIDTokenizer |
Class for breaking up an OID into it's component tokens, ala
java.util.StringTokenizer. |
A library for parsing and writing ASN.1 objects. Support is provided for DER and BER encoding.