Bouncy Castle Cryptography Library 1.77.0 | ||||||||
Interface Summary | |
AlphabetMapper | Base interface for mapping from an alphabet to a set of indexes suitable for use with FPE. |
AsymmetricBlockCipher | base interface that a public/private key block cipher needs to conform to. |
AsymmetricCipherKeyPairGenerator | interface that a public/private key pair generator should conform to. |
BasicAgreement | The basic interface that basic Diffie-Hellman implementations conforms to. |
BlockCipher | Block cipher engines are expected to conform to this interface. |
CharToByteConverter | Interface for a converter that produces a byte encoding for a char array. |
CipherParameters | all parameter classes implement this. |
Committer | General interface fdr classes that produce and validate commitments. |
CryptoServiceProperties | |
CryptoServicesConstraints | |
DerivationFunction | base interface for general purpose byte derivation functions. |
DerivationParameters | Parameters for key/byte stream derivation classes |
Digest | interface that a message digest conforms to. |
DigestDerivationFunction | base interface for general purpose Digest based byte derivation functions. |
DSA | interface for classes implementing algorithms modeled similar to the Digital Signature Alorithm. |
DSAExt | An "extended" interface for classes implementing DSA-style algorithms, that provides access to the group order. |
EncapsulatedSecretExtractor | |
EncapsulatedSecretGenerator | |
ExtendedDigest | |
KeyEncapsulation | Deprecated. use EncapsulatedSecretGenerator and EncapsulatedSecretExtractor |
KeyEncoder | |
KeyParser | |
Mac | The base interface for implementations of message authentication codes (MACs). |
MacDerivationFunction | base interface for general purpose Mac based byte derivation functions. |
MultiBlockCipher | Base interface for a cipher engine capable of processing multiple blocks at a time. |
RawAgreement | |
SavableDigest | Extended digest which provides the ability to store state and provide an encoding. |
SecretWithEncapsulation | Interface describing secret with encapsulation details. |
SecureRandomProvider | Source provider for SecureRandom implementations. |
Signer | Generic signer interface for hash based and message recovery signers. |
SignerWithRecovery | Signer with message recovery. |
SkippingCipher | Ciphers producing a key stream which can be reset to particular points in the stream implement this. |
SkippingStreamCipher | General interface for a stream cipher that supports skipping. |
StagedAgreement | |
StreamCipher | the interface stream ciphers conform to. |
Wrapper | |
Xof | With FIPS PUB 202 a new kind of message digest was announced which supported extendable output, or variable digest sizes. |
Class Summary | |
AsymmetricCipherKeyPair | a holding class for public/private parameter pairs. |
BufferedAsymmetricBlockCipher | a buffer wrapper for an asymmetric block cipher, allowing input to be accumulated in a piecemeal fashion until final processing. |
BufferedBlockCipher | A wrapper class that allows block ciphers to be used to process data in a piecemeal fashion. |
CipherKeyGenerator | The base class for symmetric, or secret, cipher key generators. |
Commitment | General holding class for a commitment. |
CryptoServicePurpose | |
CryptoServicesPermission | Permissions that need to be configured if a SecurityManager is used. |
CryptoServicesRegistrar | Basic registrar class for providing defaults for cryptography services in this module. |
CryptoServicesRegistrar.Property | Available properties that can be set. |
DefaultBufferedBlockCipher | A wrapper class that allows block ciphers to be used to process data in a piecemeal fashion. |
DefaultMultiBlockCipher | |
EphemeralKeyPair | |
KeyGenerationParameters | The base class for parameters to key generators. |
PasswordConverter | Standard char[] to byte[] converters for password based derivation algorithms. |
PBEParametersGenerator | super class for all Password Based Encryption (PBE) parameter generator classes. |
StreamBlockCipher | A parent class for block cipher modes that do not require block aligned data to be processed, but can function in a streaming mode. |
Exception Summary | |
CryptoException | the foundation class for the hard exceptions thrown by the crypto packages. |
CryptoServiceConstraintsException | |
DataLengthException | this exception is thrown if a buffer that is meant to have output copied into it turns out to be too short, or if we've been given insufficient input. |
InvalidCipherTextException | this exception is thrown whenever we find something we don't expect in a message. |
MaxBytesExceededException | this exception is thrown whenever a cipher requires a change of key, iv or similar after x amount of bytes enciphered |
OutputLengthException | |
RuntimeCryptoException | the foundation class for the exceptions thrown by the crypto packages. |
Base classes for the lightweight API.
Bouncy Castle Cryptography Library 1.77.0 | ||||||||