Class OnePassSignaturePacket

    • Constructor Detail

      • OnePassSignaturePacket

        public OnePassSignaturePacket​(int sigType,
                                      int hashAlgorithm,
                                      int keyAlgorithm,
                                      long keyID,
                                      boolean isNested)
        Create a version 3 OnePassSignaturePacket. Version 3 OPS packets are used with version 3 and version 4 SignaturePackets. To create an OPS packet for use with a version 6 SignaturePacket, see OnePassSignaturePacket(int, int, int, byte[], byte[], boolean).
        sigType - signature type
        hashAlgorithm - hash algorithm tag
        keyAlgorithm - public key algorithm tag
        keyID - id of the signing key
        isNested - if false, there is another OPS packet after this one, which applies to the same data. it true, the corresponding signature is calculated also over succeeding additional OPS packets.
      • OnePassSignaturePacket

        public OnePassSignaturePacket​(int sigType,
                                      int hashAlgorithm,
                                      int keyAlgorithm,
                                      byte[] salt,
                                      byte[] fingerprint,
                                      boolean isNested)
        Create a version 6 OnePassSignaturePacket.
        sigType - signature type
        hashAlgorithm - hash algorithm tag
        keyAlgorithm - public key algorithm tag
        salt - random salt. The length of this array depends on the hash algorithm in use.
        fingerprint - 32 octet fingerprint of the (v6) signing key
        isNested - if false, there is another OPS packet after this one, which applies to the same data. it true, the corresponding signature is calculated also over succeeding additional OPS packets.
    • Method Detail

      • getVersion

        public int getVersion()
        Return the packet version.
      • getSignatureType

        public int getSignatureType()
        Return the signature type.
        the signature type
      • getKeyAlgorithm

        public int getKeyAlgorithm()
        Return the ID of the public key encryption algorithm.
        public key algorithm tag
      • getHashAlgorithm

        public int getHashAlgorithm()
        Return the algorithm ID of the hash algorithm.
        hash algorithm tag
      • getKeyID

        public long getKeyID()
        Return the key-id of the signing key.
        key id
      • getFingerprint

        public byte[] getFingerprint()
        Return the version 6 fingerprint of the issuer. Only for version 6 packets.
        32 bytes issuer fingerprint
      • getSalt

        public byte[] getSalt()
        Return the salt used in the signature. Only for version 6 packets.
      • isContaining

        public boolean isContaining()
        Return true, if the signature contains any signatures that follow. A bracketing OPS is followed by additional OPS packets and is calculated over all the data between itself and its corresponding signature (it is an attestation for encapsulated signatures).
        true if encapsulating, false otherwise
      • encode

        public void encode​(BCPGOutputStream out)
        Encode the contents of this packet into the given packet output stream.
        Specified by:
        encode in class ContainedPacket
        out - OpenPGP packet output stream