Class PreferredAEADCiphersuites

    • Constructor Detail

      • PreferredAEADCiphersuites

        public PreferredAEADCiphersuites​(boolean critical,
                                         boolean isLongLength,
                                         byte[] data)
        Create a new PreferredAEADAlgorithms signature subpacket from raw data.
        critical - whether the subpacket is critical
        isLongLength - whether the subpacket uses long length encoding
        data - raw data
      • PreferredAEADCiphersuites

        public PreferredAEADCiphersuites​(boolean critical,
                                         PreferredAEADCiphersuites.Combination[] combinations)
        Create a new PreferredAEADAlgorithm signature subpacket.
        critical - whether the subpacket is critical
        combinations - list of combinations, with the most preferred option first
    • Method Detail

      • isSupported

        public boolean isSupported​(PreferredAEADCiphersuites.Combination combination)
        Return true, if the given algorithm combination is supported (explicitly or implicitly).
        combination - combination
        true, if the combination is supported, false otherwise
      • getRawAlgorithms

        public PreferredAEADCiphersuites.Combination[] getRawAlgorithms()
        Return AEAD algorithm preferences. The most preferred option comes first. This method returns the combinations as they are listed in the packet, possibly excluding implicitly supported combinations.
        explicitly supported algorithm combinations
      • getAlgorithms

        public PreferredAEADCiphersuites.Combination[] getAlgorithms()
        Returns AEAD algorithm preferences, including implicitly supported algorithm combinations.
        all supported algorithm combinations