Class PGPEncryptedDataList

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      PGPEncryptedDataList​(byte[] encData)
      Construct an encrypted data packet holder, reading PGP encrypted method packets and an encrypted data packet from a stream.
      PGPEncryptedDataList​( inStream)
      Construct an encrypted data packet holder, reading PGP encrypted method packets and an encrypted data packet from a stream.
      PGPEncryptedDataList​(BCPGInputStream pIn)
      Construct an encrypted data packet holder, reading PGP encrypted method packets and an encrypted data packet from the stream.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PGPEncryptedDataList

        public PGPEncryptedDataList​(byte[] encData)
        Construct an encrypted data packet holder, reading PGP encrypted method packets and an encrypted data packet from a stream.

        The first packet in the stream should be one of PacketTags.SYMMETRIC_KEY_ENC_SESSION or PacketTags.PUBLIC_KEY_ENC_SESSION.

        encData - a byte array containing an encrypted stream.
        Throws: - if an error occurs reading from the PGP input.
      • PGPEncryptedDataList

        public PGPEncryptedDataList​( inStream)
        Construct an encrypted data packet holder, reading PGP encrypted method packets and an encrypted data packet from a stream.

        The first packet in the stream should be one of PacketTags.SYMMETRIC_KEY_ENC_SESSION or PacketTags.PUBLIC_KEY_ENC_SESSION.

        inStream - the input stream being read.
        Throws: - if an error occurs reading from the PGP input.
      • PGPEncryptedDataList

        public PGPEncryptedDataList​(BCPGInputStream pIn)
        Construct an encrypted data packet holder, reading PGP encrypted method packets and an encrypted data packet from the stream.

        The next packet in the stream should be one of PacketTags.SYMMETRIC_KEY_ENC_SESSION or PacketTags.PUBLIC_KEY_ENC_SESSION.

        pIn - the PGP object stream being read.
        Throws: - if an error occurs reading from the PGP input.
    • Method Detail

      • isIntegrityProtected

        public boolean isIntegrityProtected()
        Checks whether the packet is integrity protected.
        true if there is a modification detection code package associated with this stream
      • get

        public PGPEncryptedData get​(int index)
        Gets the encryption method object at the specified index.
        index - the encryption method to obtain (0 based).
      • size

        public int size()
        Gets the number of encryption methods in this list.
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        Returns true iff there are 0 encryption methods in this list.
      • getEncryptedDataObjects

        public java.util.Iterator<PGPEncryptedData> getEncryptedDataObjects()
        Returns an iterator over the encryption method objects held in this list, in the order they appeared in the stream they are read from.
      • iterator

        public java.util.Iterator<PGPEncryptedData> iterator()
        Support method for Iterable where available.
        Specified by:
        iterator in interface java.lang.Iterable<PGPEncryptedData>
        Specified by:
        iterator in interface org.bouncycastle.util.Iterable<PGPEncryptedData>
      • extractSessionKeyEncryptedData

        public PGPSessionKeyEncryptedData extractSessionKeyEncryptedData()
        Create a decryption method using a PGPSessionKey. This method can be used to decrypt messages which do not contain a SKESK or PKESK packet using a session key.
        session key encrypted data