Class JceKeyTransRecipientId

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.lang.Cloneable, org.bouncycastle.util.Selector

    public class JceKeyTransRecipientId
    extends KeyTransRecipientId
    • Constructor Detail

      • JceKeyTransRecipientId

        public JceKeyTransRecipientId​( certificate)
        Construct a recipient id based on the issuer, serial number and subject key identifier (if present) of the passed in certificate.
        certificate - certificate providing the issue and serial number and subject key identifier.
      • JceKeyTransRecipientId

        public JceKeyTransRecipientId​( issuer,
                                      java.math.BigInteger serialNumber)
        Construct a recipient id based on the provided issuer and serial number..
        issuer - the issuer to use.
        serialNumber - the serial number to use.
      • JceKeyTransRecipientId

        public JceKeyTransRecipientId​( issuer,
                                      java.math.BigInteger serialNumber,
                                      byte[] subjectKeyId)
        Construct a recipient id based on the provided issuer, serial number, and subjectKeyId..
        issuer - the issuer to use.
        serialNumber - the serial number to use.
        subjectKeyId - the subject key ID to use.