Class DERSet

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ASN1Encodable, Encodable, Iterable

    public class DERSet
    extends ASN1Set
    A DER encoded SET object

    For X.690 syntax rules, see ASN1Set.

    For short: Constructing this form does sort the supplied elements, and the sorting happens also before serialization (if necesssary). This is different from the way BERSet,DLSet does things.

    • Constructor Detail

      • DERSet

        public DERSet()
        create an empty set
      • DERSet

        public DERSet​(ASN1Encodable element)
        create a set containing one object
        element - the object to go in the set
      • DERSet

        public DERSet​(ASN1EncodableVector elementVector)
        create a set containing a vector of objects.
        elementVector - the vector of objects to make up the set.
      • DERSet

        public DERSet​(ASN1Encodable[] elements)
        create a set containing an array of objects.
        elements - the array of objects to make up the set.