Class AltSignatureValue

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ASN1Encodable, Encodable

    public class AltSignatureValue
    extends ASN1Object
    X.509 Section 9.8.4.
    This extension may be used as a public-key certificate extension, a CRL extension or an AVL extension. This alternative signature shall be created by the issuer using its alternative private key, and it shall be verified using the alternative public key of the issuer. altSignatureValue EXTENSION ::= { SYNTAX AltSignatureValue IDENTIFIED BY id-ce-altSignatureValue } AltSignatureValue ::= BIT STRING This extension can only be created by a signer holding a multiple cryptographic algorithms public-key certificate. When creating the alternative digital signature on an issued public-key certificate or CRL, the signer shall use its alternative private key.
    The procedures for creating and validating alternative digital signatures are specified in: clause 7.2.2 for public-key certificates;
  • clause 7.10.3 for CRLs: and clause 11.4 for AVLs.