Class RoleSyntax

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ASN1Encodable, Encodable

    public class RoleSyntax
    extends ASN1Object
    Implementation of the RoleSyntax object as specified by the RFC3281. RoleSyntax ::= SEQUENCE { roleAuthority [0] GeneralNames OPTIONAL, roleName [1] GeneralName }
    • Constructor Detail

      • RoleSyntax

        public RoleSyntax​(GeneralNames roleAuthority,
                          GeneralName roleName)
        roleAuthority - the role authority of this RoleSyntax.
        roleName - the role name of this RoleSyntax.
      • RoleSyntax

        public RoleSyntax​(GeneralName roleName)
        Constructor. Invoking this constructor is the same as invoking new RoleSyntax(null, roleName).
        roleName - the role name of this RoleSyntax.
      • RoleSyntax

        public RoleSyntax​(java.lang.String roleName)
        Utility constructor. Takes a String argument representing the role name, builds a GeneralName to hold the role name and calls the constructor that takes a GeneralName.
        roleName -
    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static RoleSyntax getInstance​(java.lang.Object obj)
        RoleSyntax factory method.
        obj - the object used to construct an instance of RoleSyntax. It must be an instance of RoleSyntax or ASN1Sequence.
        the instance of RoleSyntax built from the supplied object.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the object passed to the factory is not an instance of RoleSyntax or ASN1Sequence.
      • getRoleAuthority

        public GeneralNames getRoleAuthority()
        Gets the role authority of this RoleSyntax.
        an instance of GeneralNames holding the role authority of this RoleSyntax.
      • getRoleName

        public GeneralName getRoleName()
        Gets the role name of this RoleSyntax.
        an instance of GeneralName holding the role name of this RoleSyntax.
      • getRoleNameAsString

        public java.lang.String getRoleNameAsString()
        Gets the role name as a java.lang.String object.
        the role name of this RoleSyntax represented as a java.lang.String object.
      • getRoleAuthorityAsString

        public java.lang.String[] getRoleAuthorityAsString()
        Gets the role authority as a String[] object.
        the role authority of this RoleSyntax represented as a String[] array.
      • toASN1Primitive

        public ASN1Primitive toASN1Primitive()
        Implementation of the method toASN1Object as required by the superclass ASN1Encodable. RoleSyntax ::= SEQUENCE { roleAuthority [0] GeneralNames OPTIONAL, roleName [1] GeneralName }
        Specified by:
        toASN1Primitive in interface ASN1Encodable
        Specified by:
        toASN1Primitive in class ASN1Object
        a primitive representation of this object.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object