Class Target

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ASN1Choice, ASN1Encodable, Encodable

    public class Target
    extends ASN1Object
    implements ASN1Choice
    Target structure used in target information extension for attribute certificates from RFC 3281. Target ::= CHOICE { targetName [0] GeneralName, targetGroup [1] GeneralName, targetCert [2] TargetCert }

    The targetCert field is currently not supported and must not be used according to RFC 3281.

    • Constructor Detail

      • Target

        public Target​(int type,
                      GeneralName name)
        Constructor from given details.

        Exactly one of the parameters must be not null.

        type - the choice type to apply to the name.
        name - the general name.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if type is invalid.
    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static Target getInstance​(java.lang.Object obj)
        Creates an instance of a Target from the given object.

        obj can be a Target or a ASN1TaggedObject

        obj - The object.
        A Target instance.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given object cannot be interpreted as Target.
      • getTargetGroup

        public GeneralName getTargetGroup()
        Returns the targetGroup.
      • getTargetName

        public GeneralName getTargetName()
        Returns the targetName.
      • toASN1Primitive

        public ASN1Primitive toASN1Primitive()
        Produce an object suitable for an ASN1OutputStream. Returns: Target ::= CHOICE { targetName [0] GeneralName, targetGroup [1] GeneralName, targetCert [2] TargetCert }
        Specified by:
        toASN1Primitive in interface ASN1Encodable
        Specified by:
        toASN1Primitive in class ASN1Object
        a ASN1Primitive