Class ECIESKEMExtractor

    • Constructor Detail

      • ECIESKEMExtractor

        public ECIESKEMExtractor​(ECPrivateKeyParameters decKey,
                                 int keyLen,
                                 DerivationFunction kdf)
        Set up the ECIES-KEM.
        decKey - the decryption key.
        keyLen - length in bytes of key to generate.
        kdf - the key derivation function to be used.
      • ECIESKEMExtractor

        public ECIESKEMExtractor​(ECPrivateKeyParameters decKey,
                                 int keyLen,
                                 DerivationFunction kdf,
                                 boolean cofactorMode,
                                 boolean oldCofactorMode,
                                 boolean singleHashMode)
        Set up the ECIES-KEM.
        decKey - the decryption key.
        keyLen - length in bytes of key to generate.
        kdf - the key derivation function to be used.
        cofactorMode - if true use the new cofactor ECDH.
        oldCofactorMode - if true use the old cofactor ECDH.
        singleHashMode - if true use single hash mode.