Package org.bouncycastle.crypto.util
Some general utility/conversion classes.
Class Summary Class Description AlgorithmIdentifierFactory Factory methods for common AlgorithmIdentifiers.BasicAlphabetMapper A basic alphabet mapper that just creates a mapper based on the passed in array of characters.CipherFactory Factory methods for creating Cipher objects and CipherOutputStreams.CipherKeyGeneratorFactory Factory methods for generating secret key generators for symmetric ciphers.DERMacData Builder and holder class for preparing SP 800-56A compliant MacData.DERMacData.Builder Builder to create OtherInfoDERMacData.Type DEROtherInfo Builder and holder class for preparing SP 800-56A compliant OtherInfo.DEROtherInfo.Builder Builder to create OtherInfoDigestFactory Basic factory class for message digests.JournaledAlgorithm JournaledAlgorithm keeps state of the JournalingSecureRandom and the AlgorithmIdentifier necessary to fully resume an encryption session.JournalingSecureRandom A SecureRandom that maintains a journal of its output.OpenSSHPrivateKeyUtil A collection of utility methods for parsing OpenSSH private keys.OpenSSHPublicKeyUtil OpenSSHPublicKeyUtil utility classes for parsing OpenSSH public keys.Pack Deprecated. use org.bouncycastle.util.packPBKDF2Config Configuration class for a PBKDF using PKCS#5 Scheme 2.PBKDF2Config.Builder PBKDFConfig Base class for PBKDF configs.PrivateKeyFactory Factory for creating private key objects from PKCS8 PrivateKeyInfo objects.PrivateKeyInfoFactory Factory to create ASN.1 private key info objects from lightweight private keys.PublicKeyFactory Factory to create asymmetric public key parameters for asymmetric ciphers from range of ASN.1 encoded SubjectPublicKeyInfo objects.RadixConverter Utility class to convert decimal numbers (BigInteger) into a number in the base provided and the other way round.ScryptConfig Configuration class for a PBKDF based around scrypt.ScryptConfig.Builder SSHNamedCurves SubjectPublicKeyInfoFactory Factory to create ASN.1 subject public key info objects from lightweight public keys.