Package org.bouncycastle.jce.interfaces
Interfaces for supporting Elliptic Curve Keys, El Gamal, and PKCS12 attributes.
Interface Summary Interface Description BCKeyStore all BC provider keystores implement this interface.ECKey generic interface for an Elliptic Curve Key.ECPointEncoder All BC elliptic curve keys implement this interface.ECPrivateKey interface for Elliptic Curve Private keys.ECPublicKey interface for elliptic curve public keys.ElGamalKey ElGamalPrivateKey ElGamalPublicKey Deprecated. just use DHPublicKey.GOST3410Key Main interface for a GOST 3410-94 key.GOST3410Params GOST3410PrivateKey GOST3410PublicKey IESKey key pair for use with an integrated encryptorMQVPrivateKey Deprecated. use MQVParameterSpec for passing the ephemeral key.MQVPublicKey Deprecated. use MQVParameterSpec for passing the ephemeral key.PKCS12BagAttributeCarrier allow us to set attributes on objects that can go into a PKCS12 store.