Class McEliecePointchevalCipher

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class McEliecePointchevalCipher
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements MessageEncryptor
    This class implements the Pointcheval conversion of the McEliecePKCS. Pointcheval presents a generic technique to make a CCA2-secure cryptosystem from any partially trapdoor one-way function in the random oracle model. For details, see D. Engelbert, R. Overbeck, A. Schmidt, "A Summary of McEliece-Type Cryptosystems and their Security", technical report.
    • Field Detail

      • OID

        public static final java.lang.String OID
        The OID of the algorithm.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • McEliecePointchevalCipher

        public McEliecePointchevalCipher()
    • Method Detail

      • init

        public void init​(boolean forEncryption,
                         CipherParameters param)
        Specified by:
        init in interface MessageEncryptor
        forEncryption - true if we are encrypting a signature, false otherwise.
        param - key parameters for encryption or decryption.
      • getKeySize

        public int getKeySize​(McElieceCCA2KeyParameters key)
                       throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Return the key size of the given key object.
        key - the McElieceCCA2KeyParameters object
        the key size of the given key object
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the key is invalid
      • decryptOutputSize

        protected int decryptOutputSize​(int inLen)
      • encryptOutputSize

        protected int encryptOutputSize​(int inLen)
      • messageEncrypt

        public byte[] messageEncrypt​(byte[] input)
        Specified by:
        messageEncrypt in interface MessageEncryptor
        input - the message to be signed.