Class CSHAKEDigest

All Implemented Interfaces:
Digest, ExtendedDigest, Xof

public class CSHAKEDigest extends SHAKEDigest
Customizable SHAKE function.
  • Constructor Details

    • CSHAKEDigest

      public CSHAKEDigest(int bitLength, byte[] N, byte[] S)
      Base constructor.
      bitLength - security strength (in bits) of the underlying SHAKE function, 128 or 256.
      N - the function name string, note this is reserved for use by NIST. Avoid using it if not required.
      S - the customization string - available for local use.
    • CSHAKEDigest

      public CSHAKEDigest(int bitLength, CryptoServicePurpose purpose, byte[] N, byte[] S)
      Base constructor.
      bitLength - security strength (in bits) of the underlying SHAKE function, 128 or 256.
      purpose - the purpose for constructing the CSHAKEDigest
      N - the function name string, note this is reserved for use by NIST. Avoid using it if not required.
      S - the customization string - available for local use.
    • CSHAKEDigest

      public CSHAKEDigest(CSHAKEDigest source)
  • Method Details

    • getAlgorithmName

      public String getAlgorithmName()
      Description copied from interface: Digest
      return the algorithm name
      Specified by:
      getAlgorithmName in interface Digest
      getAlgorithmName in class SHAKEDigest
      the algorithm name
    • doOutput

      public int doOutput(byte[] out, int outOff, int outLen)
      Description copied from interface: Xof
      Start outputting the results of the final calculation for this digest. Unlike doFinal, this method will continue producing output until the Xof is explicitly reset, or signals otherwise.
      Specified by:
      doOutput in interface Xof
      doOutput in class SHAKEDigest
      out - output array to write the output bytes to.
      outOff - offset to start writing the bytes at.
      outLen - the number of output bytes requested.
      the number of bytes written
    • reset

      public void reset()
      Description copied from interface: Digest
      reset the digest back to it's initial state.
      Specified by:
      reset in interface Digest
      reset in class KeccakDigest