Package org.bouncycastle.pqc.legacy.crypto.ntru
package org.bouncycastle.pqc.legacy.crypto.ntru
ClassesClassDescriptionAn implementation of the Index Generation Function in IEEE P1363.1.Represents a string of bits and supports appending, reading the head, and reading the tail.A set of parameters for NtruEncrypt.Generates key pairs.
The parameter p is hardcoded to 3.A set of parameters for NtruEncrypt.A NtruEncrypt private key is essentially a polynomial namedf
which takes different forms depending on whether product-form polynomials are used, and onfastP
The inverse off
is precomputed on initialization.A NtruEncrypt public key is essentially a polynomial namedh
.Encrypts, decrypts data and generates key pairs.
The parameter p is hardcoded to 3.Deprecated.the NTRUSigner algorithm was broken in 2012 by Ducas and Nguyen.An implementation of the deterministic pseudo-random generator in EESS section set of parameters for NtruSign.A subclass of Basis that additionally contains the polynomialsF
.A set of parameters for NtruSign.A NtruSign private key comprises one or moreNTRUSigningPrivateKeyParameters.Basis
of three polynomials each, except the zeroth basis for whichh
is undefined.A NtruSign basis.A NtruSign public key is essentially a polynomial namedh