Class NTRUEncryptionParameters

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class NTRUEncryptionParameters extends Object implements Cloneable
A set of parameters for NtruEncrypt. Several predefined parameter sets are available and new ones can be created as well.
  • Field Details

    • N

      public int N
    • q

      public int q
    • df

      public int df
    • df1

      public int df1
    • df2

      public int df2
    • df3

      public int df3
    • dr

      public int dr
    • dr1

      public int dr1
    • dr2

      public int dr2
    • dr3

      public int dr3
    • dg

      public int dg
    • maxMsgLenBytes

      public int maxMsgLenBytes
    • db

      public int db
    • bufferLenBits

      public int bufferLenBits
    • dm0

      public int dm0
    • pkLen

      public int pkLen
    • c

      public int c
    • minCallsR

      public int minCallsR
    • minCallsMask

      public int minCallsMask
    • hashSeed

      public boolean hashSeed
    • oid

      public byte[] oid
    • sparse

      public boolean sparse
    • fastFp

      public boolean fastFp
    • polyType

      public int polyType
    • hashAlg

      public Digest hashAlg
  • Constructor Details

    • NTRUEncryptionParameters

      public NTRUEncryptionParameters(int N, int q, int df, int dm0, int db, int c, int minCallsR, int minCallsMask, boolean hashSeed, byte[] oid, boolean sparse, boolean fastFp, Digest hashAlg)
      Constructs a parameter set that uses ternary private keys (i.e. polyType=SIMPLE).
      N - number of polynomial coefficients
      q - modulus
      df - number of ones in the private polynomial f
      dm0 - minimum acceptable number of -1's, 0's, and 1's in the polynomial m' in the last encryption step
      db - number of random bits to prepend to the message
      c - a parameter for the Index Generation Function (IndexGenerator)
      minCallsR - minimum number of hash calls for the IGF to make
      minCallsMask - minimum number of calls to generate the masking polynomial
      hashSeed - whether to hash the seed in the MGF first (true) or use the seed directly (false)
      oid - three bytes that uniquely identify the parameter set
      sparse - whether to treat ternary polynomials as sparsely populated (SparseTernaryPolynomial vs DenseTernaryPolynomial)
      fastFp - whether f=1+p*F for a ternary F (true) or f is ternary (false)
      hashAlg - a valid identifier for a instance such as SHA-256. The MessageDigest must support the getDigestLength() method.
    • NTRUEncryptionParameters

      public NTRUEncryptionParameters(int N, int q, int df1, int df2, int df3, int dm0, int db, int c, int minCallsR, int minCallsMask, boolean hashSeed, byte[] oid, boolean sparse, boolean fastFp, Digest hashAlg)
      Constructs a parameter set that uses product-form private keys (i.e. polyType=PRODUCT).
      N - number of polynomial coefficients
      q - modulus
      df1 - number of ones in the private polynomial f1
      df2 - number of ones in the private polynomial f2
      df3 - number of ones in the private polynomial f3
      dm0 - minimum acceptable number of -1's, 0's, and 1's in the polynomial m' in the last encryption step
      db - number of random bits to prepend to the message
      c - a parameter for the Index Generation Function (IndexGenerator)
      minCallsR - minimum number of hash calls for the IGF to make
      minCallsMask - minimum number of calls to generate the masking polynomial
      hashSeed - whether to hash the seed in the MGF first (true) or use the seed directly (false)
      oid - three bytes that uniquely identify the parameter set
      sparse - whether to treat ternary polynomials as sparsely populated (SparseTernaryPolynomial vs DenseTernaryPolynomial)
      fastFp - whether f=1+p*F for a ternary F (true) or f is ternary (false)
      hashAlg - a valid identifier for a instance such as SHA-256
    • NTRUEncryptionParameters

      public NTRUEncryptionParameters(InputStream is) throws IOException
      Reads a parameter set from an input stream.
      is - an input stream
  • Method Details

    • clone

      public NTRUEncryptionParameters clone()
      clone in class Object
    • getMaxMessageLength

      public int getMaxMessageLength()
      Returns the maximum length a plaintext message can be with this parameter set.
      the maximum length in bytes
    • writeTo

      public void writeTo(OutputStream os) throws IOException
      Writes the parameter set to an output stream
      os - an output stream
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object