Package org.bouncycastle.crypto.fips
package org.bouncycastle.crypto.fips
Classes for FIPS approved mode algorithms
ClassDescriptionFipsAEADOperatorFactory<T extends FipsParameters>Base class for the approved mode AEADOperatorFactory implementations.Source class for approved implementations of AES based algorithmsFactory for AEAD encryption/decryption operations.Parameters for AES AEAD and MAC modes..AES key generator.Factory for producing FIPS AES key wrap/unwrap operators.Factory for producing FIPS AES MAC calculators.Factory for basic AES encryption/decryption operators.General AES operator parameters.General AES operator parameters with IVParameters for AES key wrap operators.FipsAgreement<T extends Parameters>Base class for the FIPS approved mode Agreement implementations.FipsAgreementFactory<T extends Parameters>Base class for the approved mode AgreementFactory implementations.Base parameters class for Diffie-Hellman and MQV based key agreement algorithms.Base class for FIPS approved algorithm identifier implementations.FipsAsymmetricKeyPairGenerator<T extends Parameters,
P extends AsymmetricPublicKey, S extends AsymmetricPrivateKey> Base class for the FIPS approved mode AsymmetricKeyPairGenerator implementations.Error thrown if a key pair consistency test fails.Source class for FIPS approved mode Diffie-Hellman implementations.Parameters for Diffie-Hellman based key agreement.Factory for Agreement operators based on Diffie-HellmanFactory for Unified Agreement operators based on Diffie-HellmanParameters for Diffie-Hellman based key agreement using DHU.Initial builder for DHU parameters.Parameters for generating Diffie-Hellman domain parameters.An enumeration of DHDomainParametersID for some pre-defined DH parameter sets.Generator class for Diffie-Hellman domain parameters.Parameters for Diffie-Hellman key pair generation.Key pair generator for Diffie-Hellman key pairs.Factory for Agreement operators based on MQVParameters for Diffie-Hellman based key agreement using MQV.Initial builder for MQV parameters.Marker class for a FIPS approved digest algorithmFipsDigestOperatorFactory<T extends FipsParameters>Base class for classes that produce digest calculators implementing the various FIPS secure hash algorithms.Source class for FIPS approved implementations of Deterministic Random Bit Generators (DRBGs) from SP 800-90A.Builder for SecureRandom objects based on the FIPS DRBGs.Source class for FIPS approved implementations of DSA based algorithms.Parameters for DSA domain parameter generation.Domain parameter generator for DSA.Domain parameter validator for DSA.Parameters for DSA key pair generation.DSA key pair generator.Operator factory for creating DSA based signing and verification operators.Parameters for DSA signatures.Source class for FIPS approved implementations of Elliptic Curve algorithms.Parameters for EC key agreement.Factory for Agreement operators based on EC Diffie-Hellman and Cofactor Diffie-Hellman.Factory for Agreement operators based on EC MQVParameters for EC DHU key agreement.Initial builder for DHU parameters.An enumeration of ECDomainParametersID for the NIST defined EC domain parameters.Operator factory for creating EC DSA based signing and verification operators.Parameters for EC DSA signatures.Parameters for EC key pair generation.EC key pair generator class.Factory for Agreement operators based on EC MQVParameters for EC MQV key agreement.Initial builder for MQV parameters.Source class for implementations of Edwards Elliptic Curve based algorithms.Edwards Curve DSA key pair generator.Operator factory for creating Edwards Curve DSA based signing and verification operators.Edwards Curve key pair generation parameters.Edwards Curve parameters with context vectorFipsEncapsulatedSecretExtractor<T extends FipsParameters>Base class for the approved mode EncapsulatedSecretExtractor implementations.FipsEncapsulatingSecretGenerator<T extends FipsParameters>Base class for the approved mode EncapsulatingSecretGenerator implementations.The FipsBlockCipherProvider class is used to provide FIPS implementations to the general package so that the base FIPS engine can be used in other ways than FIPS allows for.Entropy constants for SP 800-90B.FipsInputAEADDecryptor<T extends Parameters>Base class for the approved mode InputAEADDecryptor implementations.FipsInputDecryptor<T extends Parameters>Base class for the approved mode InputDecryptor implementations.Source class for FIPS approved Key Derivation Function (KDF) implementations.Parameters for the X9.63 and CONCATENATION key derivation function.Parameters builder for the X9.63, CONCATENATION, and NoCounter key derivation function.An enumeration of the FIPS approved psuedo-random-function (PRF) for KDFs used with key agreement.Factory for operators that derive key material and are associated with key agreement.An enumeration of the counter locations for Feedback Mode and Double Pipeline Iteration Mode.Factory for Counter Mode KDFs.Parameters for the Counter Mode key derivation function.Parameters for the Counter Mode parameters builder.Factory for Double Pipeline Iteration Mode KDF.Parameters for the Double Pipeline Mode key derivation function.Parameters for the Double Pipeline Mode parameters builder.Factory for Feedback Mode KDFs.Parameters for the Feedback Mode key derivation function.Parameters for the Feedback Mode parameters builder.Parameters for the HKDF key derivation function.Factory for operators that derive key material using the IKEv2 KDF.Parameters for the IKVEv2 key derivation function.Parameters builder for the IKEv2 key derivation function.An enumeration of the FIPS approved psuedo-random-function (PRF) for KDFs used with IKEv2.An enumeration of the FIPS approved psuedo-random-function (PRF) for KDFs used with SP 800-108.Factory for operators that derive key material using the SNMP KDF.Parameters for the SNMP key derivation function.Parameters builder for the SNMP key derivation function.Factory for operators that derive key material using the SRTP KDF.Parameters for the SRTP key derivation function.Parameters for the SRTP key derivation function.An enumeration of the FIPS approved psuedo-random-function (PRF) for KDFs used with SRTP.Factory for operators that derive key material using the SSH KDF.Parameters for the SSH key derivation function.Parameters builder for the SSH key derivation function.An enumeration of the FIPS approved psuedo-random-function (PRF) for KDFs used with SSH key exchange.Factory for operators that derive key material using the TLS family of KDFs.Parameters for the TLS key derivation functions.Parameter builder for TLS 1.0/1.1Parameter builder for TLS 1.2An enumeration of the FIPS approved psuedo-random-function (PRF) for KDFs used with TLS.The standard string values for TLS key calculation stages.Parameters for the Two Step key derivation function.FipsKDFOperatorFactory<T extends FipsParameters>Base class for the approved mode KDFOperatorFactory implementations.FipsKeyedXOFOperatorFactory<T extends FipsParameters>Base class for the approved mode KeyedXOFOperatorFactory implementations.FipsKeyUnwrapper<T extends Parameters>Base class for the approved mode KeyUnwrapper implementations.FipsKeyUnwrapperUsingSecureRandom<T extends Parameters>Base class for the approved mode KeyUnwrapper implementations which need a SecureRandom.Base class for the approved mode KeyWrapOperatorFactory implementations.FipsKeyWrapper<T extends Parameters>Base class for the approved mode KeyWrapper implementations.FipsKeyWrapperUsingSecureRandom<T extends Parameters>Base class for the approved mode KeyWrapper implementations which need a SecureRandom.FipsKTSOperatorFactory<T extends FipsParameters>Base class for the approved mode KTSOperatorFactory implementations.Parameters for LMS/HSS key pair generation.Operator factory for creating LMS based signing and verification operators.FipsMACOperatorFactory<T extends AuthenticationParameters>Base class for the approved mode MACOperatorFactory implementations.Nonce generator for use with AEAD ciphers such as GCM.Base error class for FIPS errors.FipsOutputAEADDecryptor<T extends FipsParameters>Base class for the approved mode OutputAEADDecryptor implementations.FipsOutputAEADEncryptor<T extends FipsParameters>Base class for the approved mode OutputAEADEncryptor implementations.FipsOutputDecryptor<T extends Parameters>Base class for the approved mode OutputDecryptor implementations.Base class for the approved mode OutputDigestCalculator implementations.FipsOutputEncryptor<T extends Parameters>Base class for the approved mode OutputEncryptor implementations.Base class for the approved mode OutputMACCalculator implementations.FipsOutputSigner<T extends Parameters>Base class for a FIPS signature generator..FipsOutputSignerUsingSecureRandom<T extends Parameters>Base class for a FIPS signature generator that makes use of a SecureRandom as part of the signing process.FipsOutputValidator<T extends Parameters>Base class for a FIPS signature verifier.FipsOutputVerifier<T extends Parameters>Base class for a FIPS signature verifier.FipsOutputXOFCalculator<T extends FipsParameters>Base class for a FIPS extendable output function calculator.Base class for parameter types used in FIPS implementations.FipsPasswordBasedDeriverFactory<T extends FipsParameters>Base class for the approved mode PasswordBasedDeriverFactory implementations.Source class for FIPS approved implementations of Password-Based Key Derivation algorithms.Factory for password based key derivation functions that are based on PBKDF2 (PKCS#5 scheme 2).PBKD parameters.Initial builder for PBKDF2 parameters.Source class for FIPS approved implementations of RSA algorithms.Parameters for RSA key pair generation.RSA key pair generator class.Factory for creating RSA key wrap/unwrap operators.Factory for producing key transport operators based on RSA.Base class for parameters used with RSA based key transport algorithms.Parameters for RSA based key transport using OAEP.Parameters for use with OAEP formatted key wrapping/unwrapping and encryption/decryption.Parameters for use with PKCS#1 v1.5 format key wrapping/unwrapping.Parameters for PKCS#1 v1.5 digest signatures.Parameters for RSA PSS digest signatures.Operator factory for creating RSA based signing and verification operators.Base class for RSA digest based signature algorithm parameters.Parameters for RSA based key transport using SVE.Base class for RSA key wrapping/unwrapping parameters.Parameters for RSA X9.31 digest signatures.Base class for DRBG/RNG SecureRandom implementations that use FIPS approved algorithms.Error thrown if a self test fails.Source class for implementations of FIPS approved secure hash algorithms.Parameters for HMAC modes.Customizable SHAKE (cSHAKE) parameters.FipsSHS.KeyedXOFOperatorFactory<T extends FipsParameters>Factory for producing extendable output function (XOF) MAC calculators.HMAC key generatorCustomizable KMAC parameters.Factory for producing HMAC calculators.FipsSHS.OperatorFactory<T extends FipsSHS.Parameters>Factory for producing digest calculators.Customizable ParallelHash parameters.Generic digest parameters.Customizable TupleHash parameters.FipsSHS.XOFOperatorFactory<T extends FipsSHS.Parameters>Factory for producing extendable output function (XOF) calculators.FipsSignatureOperatorFactory<T extends Parameters>Base class for the approved mode SignatureOperatorFactory implementations.Status utility class - it has three methods on it, one for returning "isReady" status, one for a status message, and one for the current module checksum.FipsSymmetricKeyGenerator<T extends SymmetricSecretKey>Base class for the FIPS approved mode SymmetricKeyGenerator implementations.FipsSymmetricOperatorFactory<T extends Parameters>Base class for the approved mode SymmetricOperatorFactory implementations.Source class for approved implementations of AES based algorithmsParameters for Triple-DES AEAD and MAC modes..Triple-DES key generator.Factory for producing FIPS Triple-DES key wrap/unwrap operators.Factory for producing FIPS Triple-DES MAC calculators.Factory for basic Triple-DES encryption/decryption operators.General Triple-DES operator parameters.General Triple-DES operator parameters.Parameters for Triple-DES key wrap operators.Error thrown on an unapproved operation.FipsXOFOperatorFactory<T extends FipsParameters>Base class for the approved mode XOFOperatorFactory implementations.Basic unblinded RSA engine implementation.Source class for scrypt utility KDF, an augmentation of the PBKDF2 PBE algorithm which incorporates a memory-hard component.Factory for scrypt KDFs.Parameters for the scrypt key derivation function.Parameters builder for the scrypt key derivation function.