Package org.bouncycastle.crypto
package org.bouncycastle.crypto
Lower level cryptography API that supports the JCA/JCE provider as well as allowing access to more primitive functionality.
ClassDescriptionBase interface for extra methods required for handling associated data in AEAD ciphers.AEADOperatorFactory<T extends Parameters>Interface for factories producing encryptor/decryptor objects supporting AEAD modes.Agreement<T extends Parameters>Basic interface for key agreement implementations.AgreementFactory<T extends Parameters>Interface for factories producing Agreement objects supporting key agreement.Base interface for an algorithm descriptor.Base interface for Public/Private keys.AsymmetricKeyPairGenerator<T extends Parameters,
P extends AsymmetricPublicKey, S extends AsymmetricPrivateKey> Interface describing a key generator for public/private key pairs.AsymmetricOperatorFactory<T extends Parameters>Interface describing a factory that creates encryptors and decryptors based on public key cryptography.Marker interface for a private key,Marker interface for a public key,AuthenticationParameters<T extends Parameters>Interface that parameters sets associated with MACs should conform to.Interface describing parameters used in an authentication mode, such as for a MAC, AEAD cipher, or a HMAC.Interface for a converter that produces a byte encoding for a char array.Returned stream for writing data for encryption/decryption.Permissions that need to be configured if a SecurityManager is used.Basic registrar class for providing defaults for cryptography services in this module.Available properties that can be set.Marker interface for a digest algorithmDigestOperatorFactory<T extends Parameters>Interface describing an operator factory for creating digest calculators.EncapsulatedSecretExtractor<T extends Parameters>Interface describing an encapsulated secret extractor.EncapsulatingSecretGenerator<T extends Parameters>Interface describing an encapsulated secret generator, such as for RSA KTS.Base interface describing an entropy source for a DRBG.Base interface describing a provider of entropy sources.A runtime exception that may be thrown by a finished operation on an UpdateOutputStream if the underlying stream throws an IOException.Exception thrown when an attempt is made to use an illegal key with an algorithm, A key may be regarded as illegal if it has been created for a specific mode of a particular algorithm and an attempt is made to use it for a different mode.InputAEADDecryptor<T extends Parameters>Base interface for an input consuming AEAD Decryptor supporting associated text.Base interface for an input consuming Decryptor.Exception thrown when something unexpected is encountered processing an encrypted stream.Exception thrown when something unexpected is encountered in verifying a signature.Exception thrown when an invalid key wrapping is encountered.KDFCalculator<T extends Parameters>Interface describing a Key Derivation Function (KDF).KDFOperatorFactory<T extends Parameters>Interface describing a factory that creates Key Derivation Function (KDF) calculators.Base interface for keys.Base interface for a creator of a keyed extendable output function (XOF) calculators.KeyUnwrapper<T extends Parameters>Base interface for a key un-wrapper.KeyUnwrapperUsingSecureRandom<T extends Parameters>Interface describing a KeyUnwrapper which also requires a SecureRandom as part of its configuration.Base interface for a creator of key wrappers and un-wrappers.KeyWrapper<T extends Parameters>Base interface for a key wrapper.KeyWrapperUsingSecureRandom<T extends Parameters>Interface describing a KeyWrapper which also requires a SecureRandom as part of its configuration.KTSOperatorFactory<T extends Parameters>Base interface for a creator of secret value encapsulators and extractors.MACOperatorFactory<T extends AuthenticationParameters>Base interface for a creator of MAC calculators.Exception thrown if an operator has not been properly initialized.Interface allowing an operator to be created with a particular SecureRandom.OutputAEADDecryptor<T extends Parameters>Base interface for an output producing AEAD Decryptor supporting associated text.OutputAEADEncryptor<T extends Parameters>Base interface for an output producing AEAD Encryptor supporting associated text.OutputCipher<T extends Parameters>Base interface for a cipher which produces encrypted/decrypted output.OutputDecryptor<T extends Parameters>Base interface for an output producing Decryptor.Base interface for a digest calculator.OutputEncryptor<T extends Parameters>Base interface for an output producing Encryptor.Base interface for a MAC calculator.OutputSigner<T extends Parameters>Base interface for an output signer.OutputSignerUsingSecureRandom<T extends Parameters>Interface for an output signer that can make use of a SecureRandom,OutputSignerWithMessageRecovery<T extends Parameters>Interface for an output signer that also supports message recovery from the signature.OutputValidator<T extends Parameters>Base interface for an output validator which can be used to verify a data stream.OutputValidatorWithMessageRecovery<T extends Parameters>Interface for an output validator that also supports message recovery from the signature.OutputVerifier<T extends Parameters>Base interface for an output verifier which can be used to verify a signature against a data stream.OutputVerifierWithMessageRecovery<T extends Parameters>Interface for an output verifier that also supports message recovery from the signature.Base interface for an eXtendable Output Funnction (XOF) calculator.Base interface for operator parameters.ParametersWithIV<T extends Parameters>Interface describing parameters that have an initialization vector (IV) associated with them.Base interface for a password based deriver of bytes for symmetric keys.The target key type we are trying to produce a key for.PasswordBasedDeriverFactory<T extends Parameters>Base interface for a creator of password based key derivers.Standard char[] to byte[] converters for password based derivation algorithms.Exception thrown when something unexpected is encountered processing plain text input data for signature or block encryption.Interface describing recovered message details from a signature.Parent class for exceptions arising due to cryptographic operations in the various streams created by the FIPS factory classes.Interface describing secret with encapsulation details.Source provider for SecureRandom implementations.SignatureOperatorFactory<T extends Parameters>Interface describing an operator factory that produces signers and verifiers.Interface describing an operator factory that produces signers and verifiers for algorithms that support message recovery.SingleBlockCipher<T extends Parameters>Base interface for a cipher only able to handle a single block of data.SingleBlockDecryptor<T extends Parameters>Base interface for a decryptor only able to decrypt a single block of data.SingleBlockDecryptorUsingSecureRandom<T extends Parameters>Interface for a decryptor only able to decrypt a single block of data that makes use of a SecureRandom in the process (usually for algorithmic blinding).SingleBlockEncryptor<T extends Parameters>Base interface for a encryptor only able to encrypt a single block of data.SingleBlockEncryptorUsingSecureRandom<T extends Parameters>Interface for a encryptor only able to encrypt a single block of data that makes use of a SecureRandom in the process.Parent class for exceptions arising due to cryptographic operations in the various streams created by the FIPS factory classes.Interface describing a symmetric key.SymmetricKeyGenerator<T extends SymmetricKey>Interface describing a symmetric key generator.SymmetricOperatorFactory<T extends Parameters>Interface describing an operator factory that creates operators for doing encryption and decryption using symmetric ciphers.Basic class describing a secret key implementation.A runtime exception that may be thrown by an update operation on an UpdateOutputStream if the underlying stream throws an IOException.An extension of output stream that provides update methods which allow for data to feed into the stream without the need to handle checked exceptions.Base interface for a creator of extendable output function (XOF) calculators.