Package org.bouncycastle.crypto.util
package org.bouncycastle.crypto.util
Utility classes for supporting the crypto APIs - entropy provision and SP 800-56A OtherInfo and MacData.
ClassDescriptionAn EntropySourceProvider where entropy generation is based on a SecureRandom output using SecureRandom.generateSeed() in the case of a JDK SecureRandom or SecureRandom.nextBytes() in the case of a FipsSecureRandom, or a GeneralSecureRandom.Builder and holder class for preparing SP 800-56A/56B compliant MacData.Builder to create OtherInfoStandard type strings for the headers of KAS/KTS MAC calculations.Builder and holder class for preparing SP 800-56A/56B compliant MacData.Builder to create OtherInfoStandard type strings for the headers of KAS/KTS MAC calculations.Builder and holder class for preparing SP 800-56A compliant OtherInfo.Builder to create OtherInfoUtility methods for making use of EntropySources.Configuration class for a PBKDF using PKCS#5 Scheme 2.Base class for PBKDF configs.Utility class to convert decimal numbers (BigInteger) into a number in the base provided and the other way round.Configuration class for a PBKDF based around scrypt.