Interface PGPDataEncryptor

    • Method Detail

      • getOutputStream getOutputStream​( out)
        Constructs an encrypting output stream that encrypts data using the underlying cipher of this encryptor.

        The cipher instance in this encryptor is used for all output streams obtained from this method, so it should only be invoked once.

        out - the stream to wrap and write encrypted data to.
        a cipher output stream appropriate to the type of this data encryptor.
      • getIntegrityCalculator

        PGPDigestCalculator getIntegrityCalculator()
        Obtains the integrity check calculator configured for this encryptor instance.
        the integrity check calculator, or null if no integrity checking was configured.
      • getBlockSize

        int getBlockSize()
        Gets the block size of the underlying cipher used by this encryptor.
        the block size in bytes.