Interface PGPDataEncryptorBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • getAlgorithm

        int getAlgorithm()
        The encryption algorithm used by data encryptors created by this builder.
        one of the symmetric encryption algorithms.
      • getAeadAlgorithm

        int getAeadAlgorithm()
      • getChunkSize

        int getChunkSize()
      • isV5StyleAEAD

        boolean isV5StyleAEAD()
      • build

        PGPDataEncryptor build​(byte[] keyBytes)
                        throws PGPException
        Builds a data encryptor using the algorithm configured for this builder.
        keyBytes - the bytes of the key to use for the cipher.
        a data encryptor with an initialised cipher.
        PGPException - if an error occurs initialising the configured encryption.
      • getSecureRandom getSecureRandom()
        Gets the SecureRandom instance used by this builder.

        If a SecureRandom has not been explicitly configured, a default SecureRandom is constructed and retained by the this builder.

      • setWithIntegrityPacket

        PGPDataEncryptorBuilder setWithIntegrityPacket​(boolean withIntegrityPacket)
        Sets whether or not the resulting encrypted data will be protected using an integrity packet.
        withIntegrityPacket - true if an integrity packet is to be included, false otherwise.
        the current builder.
      • setWithAEAD

        PGPDataEncryptorBuilder setWithAEAD​(int aeadAlgorithm,
                                            int chunkSize)
        Sets whether the resulting encrypted data will be protected using an AEAD mode. The chunkSize is used as a power of two, result in blocks (1 << chunkSize) containing data with an extra 16 bytes for the tag. The minimum chunkSize is 6.
        aeadAlgorithm - the AEAD mode to use.
        chunkSize - the size of the chunks to be processed with each nonce.
        the current builder