All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractPublicKeyDataDecryptorFactory |
AEADAlgorithmTags |
AEAD Algorithm IDs.
AEADEncDataPacket |
Packet representing non-standard, LibrePGP OCB (AEAD) encrypted data.
AEADUtils |
ArmoredInputException |
ArmoredInputStream |
reader for Base64 armored objects - read the headers and then start returning
bytes when the data is reached.
ArmoredInputStream.Builder |
ArmoredOutputStream |
Output stream that writes data in ASCII Armored format.
ArmoredOutputStream.Builder |
BcAEADSecretKeyEncryptorBuilder |
BcAEADUtil |
BcAEADUtil.PGPAeadInputStream |
BcAEADUtil.PGPAeadOutputStream |
BcKeyFingerprintCalculator |
BcPBEDataDecryptorFactory |
A PBEDataDecryptorFactory for handling PBE decryption operations using the Bouncy Castle
lightweight API to implement cryptographic primitives.
BcPBEKeyEncryptionMethodGenerator |
A BC lightweight method generator for supporting PBE based encryption operations.
BcPBESecretKeyDecryptorBuilder |
BcPBESecretKeyEncryptorBuilder |
BCPGHeaderObject |
Implemented by packets written as headers followed by
a stream of data.
BCPGInputStream |
Stream reader for PGP objects
base interface for a PGP key
BCPGObject |
Base class for a PGP object.
BCPGOutputStream |
Basic output stream.
BcPGPContentSignerBuilder |
BcPGPContentVerifierBuilderProvider |
BcPGPDataEncryptorBuilder |
PGPDataEncryptorBuilder implementation that uses the Bouncy Castle lightweight API to
implement cryptographic primitives.
BcPGPDigestCalculatorProvider |
BcPGPKeyConverter |
BcPGPKeyPair |
BcPGPObjectFactory |
PGPObjectFactory that uses the Bouncy Castle lightweight API to implement cryptographic
BcPGPPublicKeyRing |
BcPGPPublicKeyRingCollection |
BcPGPSecretKeyRing |
BcPGPSecretKeyRingCollection |
BcPublicKeyDataDecryptorFactory |
A decryptor factory for handling public key decryption operations.
BcPublicKeyKeyEncryptionMethodGenerator |
A method generator for supporting public key based encryption operations.
BcSessionKeyDataDecryptorFactory |
A decryptor factory for handling PGP session keys.
BcUtil |
ByteArrayHandler |
Simple routine to encrypt and decrypt using a passphrase.
ClearSignedFileProcessor |
A simple utility class that creates clear signed files and verifies them.
CompressedDataPacket |
A generic compressed data object.
CompressionAlgorithmTags |
Basic tags for compression algorithms.
ContainedPacket |
Basic type for a PGP packet.
CRC24 |
DetachedSignatureProcessor |
A simple utility class that creates seperate signatures for files and verifies them.
DirectKeySignature |
A simple utility class that directly signs a public key and writes the signed key to "SignedKey.asc" in
the current working directory.
DSAElGamalKeyRingGenerator |
A simple utility class that generates a public/secret keyring containing a DSA signing
key and an El Gamal key for encryption.
DSAPublicBCPGKey |
base class for a DSA Public Key.
DSASecretBCPGKey |
base class for a DSA Secret Key.
Base class for an ECDH Public Key.
Base class for an ECDSA Public Key.
ECPublicBCPGKey |
Base class for an EC Public Key.
ECSecretBCPGKey |
Base class for an EC Secret Key.
Ed25519PublicBCPGKey |
Ed25519SecretBCPGKey |
Ed448PublicBCPGKey |
Ed448SecretBCPGKey |
EdDSAPublicBCPGKey |
Base class for an EdDSA Public Key.
EdSecretBCPGKey |
Base class for an Edwards Curve (EdDSA) Secret Key.
ElGamalPublicBCPGKey |
base class for an ElGamal Public Key.
ElGamalSecretBCPGKey |
base class for an ElGamal Secret Key.
EllipticCurveKeyPairGenerator |
A simple utility class that generates an RSA key ring.
EmbeddedSignature |
Signature Subpacket for embedding one Signature into another.
ExperimentalPacket |
basic packet for an experimental packet.
Exportable |
Signature Subpacket for marking a signature as exportable or non-exportable.
ExtendedPGPSecretKey |
FastCRC24 |
Features |
Signature Subpacket encoding, which features are supported by the key-holders implementation.
FingerprintUtil |
HashAlgorithmTags |
Basic tags for hash algorithms.
HashUtils |
ImageAttribute |
User-Attribute Subpacket used to encode an image, e.g.
InputStreamPacket |
A block of data associated with other packets in a PGP object stream.
IntendedRecipientFingerprint |
Signature Subpacket containing the fingerprint of the intended recipients primary key.
IssuerFingerprint |
Signature Subpacket containing the fingerprint of the issuers signing (sub-) key.
IssuerKeyID |
Signature Subpacket containing the key-id of the issuers signing (sub-) key.
JcaAEADSecretKeyEncryptorBuilder |
JcaKeyFingerprintCalculator |
JcaPGPContentSignerBuilder |
JcaPGPContentVerifierBuilderProvider |
JcaPGPDigestCalculatorProviderBuilder |
JcaPGPKeyConverter |
JcaPGPKeyPair |
A PGP key pair class that is constructed from JCA/JCE key pairs.
JcaPGPObjectFactory |
PGPObjectFactory that uses the sources cryptographic primitives from the JCA API.
JcaPGPPrivateKey |
A JCA PrivateKey carrier.
JcaPGPPublicKeyRing |
JcaPGPPublicKeyRingCollection |
JcaPGPSecretKeyRing |
JcaPGPSecretKeyRingCollection |
JceAEADCipherUtil |
JcePBEDataDecryptorFactoryBuilder |
JcePBEKeyEncryptionMethodGenerator |
JCE based generator for password based encryption (PBE) data protection methods.
JcePBEProtectionRemoverFactory |
JcePBESecretKeyDecryptorBuilder |
JcePBESecretKeyEncryptorBuilder |
JcePGPDataEncryptorBuilder |
JcePublicKeyDataDecryptorFactoryBuilder |
JcePublicKeyKeyEncryptionMethodGenerator |
JceSessionKeyDataDecryptorFactoryBuilder |
KeyBasedFileProcessor |
A simple utility class that encrypts/decrypts public key based
encryption files.
KeyBasedLargeFileProcessor |
A simple utility class that encrypts/decrypts public key based
encryption large files.
KeyExpirationTime |
Signature Subpacket containing the number of seconds after the key's creation date, after which the key expires.
KeyFingerPrintCalculator |
KeyFlags |
Signature Subpacket encoding the capabilities / intended uses of a key.
KeyIdentifier |
Utility class for matching key-ids / fingerprints.
LibrePGPPreferredEncryptionModes |
This is a deprecated LibrePGP signature subpacket with encryption mode numbers to indicate which modes
the key holder prefers to use with OCB Encrypted Data Packets ( AEADEncDataPacket ).
LiteralDataPacket |
Generic literal data packet.
MarkerPacket |
Basic type for a marker packet
ModDetectionCodePacket |
basic packet for a modification detection code packet.
MPInteger |
a multiple precision integer
NotationData |
Signature Subpacket encoding custom notations.
OctetArrayBCPGKey |
Public/Secret BCPGKey which is encoded as an array of octets rather than an MPI.
OnePassSignaturePacket |
One-Pass-Signature packet.
OpenedPGPKeyData |
Wraps PGP key headers and pgp key SExpression
OpenedPGPKeyData.Builder |
OutputStreamPacket |
Packet |
PacketFormat |
OpenPGP Packet Header Length Format.
PacketTags |
Basic PGP packet tag types.
PaddingPacket |
PBEDataDecryptorFactory |
A factory for performing PBE decryption operations.
PBEFileProcessor |
A simple utility class that encrypts/decrypts password based
encryption files.
PBEKeyEncryptionMethodGenerator |
PGP style PBE encryption method.
PBEProtectionRemoverFactory |
PBESecretKeyDecryptor |
PBESecretKeyEncryptor |
PGPAEADDataEncryptor |
A data encryptor, using AEAD.
PGPAlgorithmParameters |
PGPCanonicalizedDataGenerator |
Generator for producing filtered literal data packets which are automatically canonicalized.
PGPCompressedData |
A PGP compressed data object.
PGPCompressedDataGenerator |
Generator for producing compressed data packets.
PGPContentSigner |
PGPContentSignerBuilder |
PGPContentVerifier |
PGPContentVerifierBuilder |
PGPContentVerifierBuilderProvider |
PGPDataDecryptor |
A decryptor that wraps a stream of PGP encrypted data to decrypt, and optionally integrity check,
the data.
PGPDataDecryptorFactory |
PGPDataDecryptorProvider |
PGPDataEncryptor |
A data encryptor, combining a cipher instance and an optional integrity check calculator.
PGPDataEncryptorBuilder |
A builder for PGPDataEncryptor instances, which can be used to encrypt data objects.
PGPDataValidationException |
Thrown if the iv at the start of a data stream indicates the wrong key
is being used.
PGPDigestCalculator |
A digest calculator, which consumes a stream of data and computes a digest value over it.
PGPDigestCalculatorProvider |
A factory for digest algorithms.
PGPEncryptedData |
A PGP encrypted data object.
PGPEncryptedData.TruncatedStream |
PGPEncryptedDataGenerator |
Generator for encrypted objects.
PGPEncryptedDataList |
A holder for a list of PGP encryption method packets and the encrypted data associated with them.
PGPException |
generic exception class for PGP encoding/decoding problems
PGPExtendedKeyAttribute |
PGPExtendedKeyAttribute.Builder |
PGPExtendedKeyHeader |
PGPKdfParameters |
PGPKeyConverter |
PGPKeyEncryptionMethodGenerator |
PGPKeyFlags |
key flag values for the KeyFlags subpacket.
PGPKeyPair |
General class to handle JCA key pairs and convert them into OpenPGP ones.
PGPKeyRing |
Parent class for PGP public and secret key rings.
PGPKeyRingGenerator |
Generator for a PGP master and subkey ring.
PGPKeyValidationException |
Thrown if the key checksum is invalid.
PGPLiteralData |
A single literal data packet in a PGP object stream.
PGPLiteralDataGenerator |
Generator for producing literal data packets.
PGPMarker |
a PGP marker packet - in general these should be ignored other than where
the idea is to preserve the original input stream.
PGPObjectFactory |
General class for reading a PGP object stream.
PGPOnePassSignature |
A one pass signature object.
PGPOnePassSignatureList |
Holder for a list of PGPOnePassSignatures
PGPPad |
Utility class that provides padding addition and removal for PGP session keys.
PGPPadding |
The PGPPadding contains random data, and can be used to defend against traffic analysis on version 2 SEIPD messages
and Transferable Public Keys.
PGPPBEEncryptedData |
A password based encryption object.
PGPPrivateKey |
general class to contain a private key for use with other openPGP
PGPPublicKey |
general class to handle a PGP public key object.
PGPPublicKeyEncryptedData |
A public key encrypted data object.
PGPPublicKeyRing |
Class to hold a single master public key and its subkeys.
PGPPublicKeyRingCollection |
Often a PGP key ring file is made up of a succession of master/sub-key key rings.
PGPRuntimeOperationException |
PGPSecretKey |
general class to handle and construct a PGP secret key object.
PGPSecretKeyDecryptorWithAAD |
PGPSecretKeyRing |
Class to hold a single master secret key and its subkeys.
PGPSecretKeyRingCollection |
Often a PGP key ring file is made up of a succession of master/sub-key key rings.
PGPSessionKey |
PGPSessionKeyEncryptedData |
The basis of PGP encrypted data - encrypted data encrypted using a symmetric session key.
PGPSignature |
A PGP signature object.
PGPSignatureGenerator |
Generator for PGP Signatures.
PGPSignatureList |
A list of PGP signatures - normally in the signature block after literal data.
PGPSignatureSubpacketGenerator |
Generator for signature subpackets.
PGPSignatureSubpacketVector |
Container for a list of signature subpackets.
PGPSignatureVerifier |
Base interface for thread safe signature verified objects.
PGPSignatureVerifierBuilder |
Builder for thread-safe verifiers for a range of PGP signature types.
PGPSymmetricKeyEncryptedData |
PGPUserAttributeSubpacketVector |
Container for a list of user attribute subpackets.
PGPUserAttributeSubpacketVectorGenerator |
PGPUtil |
PGP utilities.
PGPV3SignatureGenerator |
Generator for old style PGP V3 Signatures.
PolicyURI |
Signature Subpacket for encoding a URI pointing to a document containing the policy under which the
signature was created.
PreferredAEADCiphersuites |
Signature Subpacket containing the AEAD cipher suites (AEAD algorithm, Symmetric Key Algorithm pairs)
preferred by the key holder's implementation.
PreferredAEADCiphersuites.Builder |
PreferredAEADCiphersuites.Combination |
PreferredAlgorithms |
Signature Subpacket containing algorithm preferences of the key holder's implementation.
PreferredKeyServer |
Signature Subpacket containing the URI of the users preferred key server.
PrimaryUserID |
Signature Subpacket marking a User ID as primary.
PublicKeyAlgorithmTags |
Public Key Algorithm IDs.
PublicKeyDataDecryptorFactory |
PublicKeyEncSessionPacket |
basic packet for a PGP public key
PublicKeyKeyEncryptionMethodGenerator |
PublicKeyPacket |
Base class for OpenPGP public (primary) keys.
PublicSubkeyPacket |
basic packet for a PGP public key
PubringDump |
Basic class which just lists the contents of the public key file passed
as an argument.
RegularExpression |
Signature Subpacket containing a regular expression limiting the scope of the signature.
ReservedPacket |
Revocable |
Signature Subpacket marking a signature as non-revocable.
RevocationKey |
RevocationKeyTags |
Revocation Key Class values.
RevocationReason |
Signature Subpacket for encoding the reason why a key was revoked.
RevocationReasonTags |
Revocation reason tags.
RFC6637KDFCalculator |
RFC6637Utils |
RSAKeyPairGenerator |
A simple utility class that generates an RSA key ring.
RSAPublicBCPGKey |
base class for an RSA Public Key.
RSASecretBCPGKey |
base class for an RSA Secret (or Private) Key.
S2K |
Parameter specifier for the PGP string-to-key password based key derivation function.
S2K.Argon2Params |
Parameters for Argon2 S2K.
S2K.GNUDummyParams |
SecretKeyPacket |
Base class for OpenPGP secret (primary) keys.
SecretSubkeyPacket |
basic packet for a PGP secret key
SessionKeyDataDecryptorFactory |
SignatureCreationTime |
Signature Subpacket containing the time at which the signature was created.
SignatureExpirationTime |
Signature Subpacket containing the number of seconds after the signatures creation
time after which the signature expires.
SignaturePacket |
generic signature packet
SignatureSubpacket |
Basic type for a PGP Signature sub-packet.
SignatureSubpacketInputStream |
reader for signature sub-packets
SignatureSubpacketTags |
Basic PGP signature sub-packet tag types.
SignatureTarget |
Signature Subpacket containing the hash value of another signature to which this signature applies to.
SignedFileProcessor |
A simple utility class that signs and verifies files.
SignerUserID |
Signature Subpacket containing the User ID of the identity as which the issuer created the signature.
SymmetricEncDataPacket |
Basic type for a symmetric key encrypted packet
SymmetricEncIntegrityPacket |
A symmetric key encrypted packet with an associated integrity check code.
SymmetricKeyAlgorithmTags |
Basic tags for symmetric key algorithms.
SymmetricKeyEncSessionPacket |
Basic type for a symmetric encrypted session key packet
SymmetricKeyUtils |
TrustPacket |
Basic type for a trust packet
TrustSignature |
Signature Subpacket encoding the level and amount of trust the issuer places into the certified key or identity.
UnknownBCPGKey |
Key class for unknown/unsupported OpenPGP key types.
UnknownPacket |
UnsupportedPacketVersionException |
UserAttributePacket |
Basic type for a user attribute packet.
UserAttributeSubpacket |
Basic type for a user attribute sub-packet.
UserAttributeSubpacketInputStream |
reader for user attribute sub-packets
UserAttributeSubpacketTags |
Basic PGP user attribute sub-packet tag types.
UserDataPacket |
UserIDPacket |
Basic type for a user ID packet.
X25519PublicBCPGKey |
X25519SecretBCPGKey |
X448PublicBCPGKey |
X448SecretBCPGKey |