Class ECCurve.AbstractF2m

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractF2m

        protected AbstractF2m​(int m,
                              int k1,
                              int k2,
                              int k3)
    • Method Detail

      • inverse

        public static java.math.BigInteger inverse​(int m,
                                                   int[] ks,
                                                   java.math.BigInteger x)
      • createPoint

        public ECPoint createPoint​(java.math.BigInteger x,
                                   java.math.BigInteger y)
        createPoint in class ECCurve
      • isValidFieldElement

        public boolean isValidFieldElement​(java.math.BigInteger x)
        Specified by:
        isValidFieldElement in class ECCurve
      • decompressPoint

        protected ECPoint decompressPoint​(int yTilde,
                                          java.math.BigInteger X1)
        Decompresses a compressed point P = (xp, yp) (X9.62 s 4.2.2).
        Specified by:
        decompressPoint in class ECCurve
        yTilde - ~yp, an indication bit for the decompression of yp.
        X1 - The field element xp.
        the decompressed point.
      • solveQuadraticEquation

        protected ECFieldElement solveQuadraticEquation​(ECFieldElement beta)
        Solves a quadratic equation z 2 + z = beta(X9.62 D.1.6) The other solution is z + 1.
        beta - The value to solve the quadratic equation for.
        the solution for z 2 + z = beta or null if no solution exists.
      • isKoblitz

        public boolean isKoblitz()
        Returns true if this is a Koblitz curve (ABC curve).
        true if this is a Koblitz curve (ABC curve), false otherwise