Math support for Elliptic Curve.
Interface Summary Interface Description ECConstants ECLookupTable ECMultiplier Interface for classes encapsulating a point multiplication algorithm for ECPoints.ECPointMap PreCompCallback PreCompInfo Interface for classes storing precomputation data for multiplication algorithms. -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractECLookupTable AbstractECMultiplier ECAlgorithms ECCurve base class for an elliptic curveECCurve.AbstractF2m ECCurve.AbstractFp ECCurve.F2m Elliptic curves over F2m.ECCurve.Fp Elliptic curve over FpECFieldElement ECFieldElement.AbstractF2m ECFieldElement.AbstractFp ECFieldElement.F2m Class representing the Elements of the finite field F 2 m in polynomial basis (PB) representation.ECFieldElement.Fp ECPoint base class for points on elliptic curves.ECPoint.AbstractF2m ECPoint.AbstractFp ECPoint.F2m Elliptic curve points over F2mECPoint.Fp Elliptic curve points over FpFixedPointCombMultiplier FixedPointPreCompInfo Class holding precomputation data for fixed-point multiplications.FixedPointUtil GLVMultiplier ScaleXNegateYPointMap ScaleXPointMap ScaleYNegateXPointMap ScaleYPointMap SimpleLookupTable WNafL2RMultiplier Class implementing the WNAF (Window Non-Adjacent Form) multiplication algorithm.WNafPreCompInfo Class holding precomputation data for the WNAF (Window Non-Adjacent Form) algorithm.WNafUtil WTauNafMultiplier Class implementing the WTNAF (Window τ-adic Non-Adjacent Form) algorithm.WTauNafPreCompInfo Class holding precomputation data for the WTNAF (Window τ-adic Non-Adjacent Form) algorithm.